UK offers HPV vaccines to boys


Reuters LONDON (Reuters) – A vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) could help prevent cancer of the cervix of the uterus, mouth, anus and bads in Britain during next forty years, health officials said Tuesday.

Announcing the extension of a vaccination program covering both boys and girls, experts from Public Health England (PHE) said the vaccination plan would prevent about 64,000 cervical cancers and nearly 50,000 non-cervical cancers by 2058.

It would be 50 years after the introduction of the HPV vaccination program in Britain – which started in girls in 2008 – when people vaccinated in adolescence could otherwise start developing related cancers. to HPV, said PHE in a statement.

HPV is a badually transmitted virus linked to more than 99% of cervical cancers, 90% of bad cancers, approximately 70% of badl and vulvar cancers and more than 60% of cancers. penile cancers.

PHE said that from September this year, boys aged 12 and 13 in Britain will be offered these vaccines as part of a government health program.Speech

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