A legislature can be inefficient and not "useless"


A legislature can be inefficient and not "useless"

In a recent conversation with a family member living in Baltimore, here in the United States, we both agreed that millions of Ghanaians are "hyper-wise" out of ignorance and think that they know everything about all problems, except that they do not have the tenacity to find creative ways. to solve even the simplest problems such as the waste threat faced by Ghanaian society. My people (Ghanaians) can speak very well, interspersed with appropriate proverbs and other expressions of complex local dialects in public space, but it is ultimately the "same old, the same old" socio-cultural state of mind.

In other words, the same old culture of corruption, anarchy, indiscipline on our roads, sense of the right of governments, demand more rights without responsibility, Destruction for no reason of the environment and attitude that leads me most often to Ghana to engage us in a hyper-partisanship and a reductionist badessment of issues of national importance.

Critical national issues that should be the subject of global and disinterested debate are often complemented by socio-political weapons designed to destroy adversaries for the sake of pure or subtle parish interest and preservation of glory. It was not so long ago that the debate was on the Free SHS, the future interdenominational national cathedral, the US military base in Ghana and, as the real journalist Kweku Baako rightly pointed out: "Even the Job 600" or Accra-Tema highway construction during the Nkrumah regime was the subject of hostile attacks, as we see today.

Apparently, Ghanaians do not believe that the government sometimes has to make unpopular decisions for the ultimate benefit of the nation. It is interesting to note that we want the government to accomplish so many tasks at the speed of light as soon as a new administration arrives at the office. but many people do not know or do not want to accept that national development involves not only a prioritization of priorities, but also sacrifices, compromises and compromises.

It seems that Ghanaians and politicians see each government's action as a zero-sum game. It is difficult for a government to please Ghanaians in general, because they act as if they knew that everything was wrong with Ghana. Yet, when the right moment comes for a rational discourse, many of the best arguments / contributions are filled with insults and tantrums. . The creativity and self-discipline needed to tackle urgent national issues are generally lacking, with the exception of discussions, discussions and insinuations in the media space.

The ongoing debate on MPs' desire or suggestion to build a new House of Parliament with a 450-seat capacity is a clbadic example of impatience, misunderstanding and partisan approach Ghanaians face thorny issues that many of us do not have firmly on hand. their. Honestly, with the exception of some well-informed media representatives on the print media side, as well as some of those who often appear on the radio or on television, such as my "old friend" Kweku Baako, Omanhene Kwabena Asante, Osei Bonsu, Paul Adom Otchere, Samson Lardy and a few others, the others need intensive refresher courses in contemporary journalism.

The truth is that, besides officials and politicians, the present writer does not want to name names or direct criticism against a journalist in the country, unless the name of this media staff is mentioned to be commended as he is said above. However, there is also a time when some media or people make or say things so strange and superficial that one is tempted to question the credibility and references of some of the so-called "as" journalists of this country. . In Ghana, many of us like to refer to the professional titles of people with all kinds of adjectives, for reasons better known in our socio-cultural history. Similarly, if one insists on unique titles, the work of this individual must also reflect the uniqueness and above the mediocrity.

We can not just describe one of these journalists as "experienced, renowned and experienced" journalists, while we remain indifferent and let some people present poor journalism while waiting for us to 39, none of us dispute some of the false preconceptions in their work. Where in the civilized world would a "serious" or "talented" journalist conduct a survey / survey via Facebook, which is not very reliable, and can rely on the stories of those interviewed to make a difference? A scientific or reliable conclusion supporting the story that many people in this country think the Ghanaian Parliament is "useless"?

Something is "useless" only if one does not know all its uses or what is really useful for this entity. In truth, nothing in this world is "useless" in that every case – including all human inventions – has a purpose behind its existence. Even a dead animal rotting in an abandoned area is not "useless" because it naturally fertilizes the soil. On this basis, we can say that something, or in our case, the country's parliament can be ineffective, unproductive, or not meet the expectations of the people and not be useless. Therefore, it is an exaggeration to describe any legislature as "useless", regardless of how inefficient it is. In simple terms, we must note that there is a real gulf between useless and ineffective. All legislatures have one goal, one way or the other, whatever that may be.

Certainly, some of us strongly reject the timeline and the not-so-smart attempt to prioritize national discussions about proposing or setting up a new legislative building. Our nation has a lot of work to do to consider adding new elements to the construction of a new ultramodern parliament complex. Nevertheless, at some point, the country should seriously consider rationalizing or increasing the firepower of its legislative power, even though this may involve the construction of a new legislature.

The starting point for an effective or "useful" parliament in Ghana, capable of resisting the executive power of the government, is to have selfless and committed journalists who will devote more of their time and energy to campaigning. . incessantly until the current Constitution of a single person of the Fourth Republic be amended, as recently suggested the "owner of the constitution", JJ Rawlings.

Do not forget that even though there are three equal branches of government, in a true multi-party democracy, the legislature is the main standard of the entire system. The parliament / legislature is the "house of the people" and this realization has immensely prompted the founders of the United States to devote more time to the longest section of their constitution (Article 1) which establishes and lists all powers of the US Congress. If the US legislature and its legislators are not "useless", it is because the constitutional foundations of its legislature are stronger than what Ghana has under that regime.th constitution of the republic. The critics of the Ghanaian parliament must also take this reality into account.

Bernard Asubonteng is a writer and doctorate based in the United States. candidate for public policy with a specialization in foreign policy. E-mail: [email protected]

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