Sugar cravings can be caused by the blue light of your phone at night


Our smartphones and tablets could boost our desire for sweets and sweet foods.

Dutch scientists have discovered that one hour of exposure to blue light emitted at night by our devices is enough to affect our appetite and our blood sugar levels.

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The study, led by Anayanci Masis-Vargas and colleagues from the Universities of Strasbourg and Amsterdam, exposed rats to artificial blue light and measured their food intake and glucose tolerance the next day.

The rats were given the opportunity to choose between rodent food, water, lard and sugar water – and the researchers found that male rats would drink more sugar that night. only nights where they were not exposed to blue light.

Scientists believe that blue light causes a change in hormones, which could explain an increase in appetite and glucose intolerance.

"Limiting the time we spend in front of screens at night is, for the moment, the best measure to protect us from the harmful effects of blue light," Masis-Vargas said in his study.

"In case it's necessary to be exposed to devices at night, I would recommend the use of night mode apps and features on devices, which make screens look more orange and less blue, or use protective glbades against blue light already available on the market. "

Previous research has also shown a strong correlation between artificial night light and obesity.


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