Final of Titans: PRESEC-Legon, Persco and Augusco compete for NSMQ's 2019 trophy today


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Three of Ghana's most decorated high schools are ready for the long-awaited final battle for the 2019 National Science and Mathematics Trophy (NSMQ) later in the day.

After months of preparation, weeks of fierce fighting and renewed academic rivalries, it all comes down to the big event that will take place on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at the National Theater in Accra.

Will it be a sixth victory for Presbyterian High School for Boys (PRESEC – Legon)? Will St. Peters (Persco), reigning champion, keep the trophy? Or maybe it will be a story of the coveted trophy returning to St Augustine's College (Augusco) after a 12-year drought.

The trip

All three schools have demonstrated great skill and tremendous ability to qualify for the finals.

St. Augustine is the only one out of qualifying to reach this stage. PRESEC-Legon and St Peter's were selected for the 2018 competition as they reached the quarter-finals.

Photo: St. Augustine's competitors

But that will not count in the grand finale; all that matters is who wants it the most. The clash is one of the best dogs since all schools have won the last prize.

Photo: competitors of Saint-Pierre

St Peter's will be determined to turn around and PRESEC-Legon has already declared it will win the title for the sixth time.

St Augustine's seems unbeatable, they are the reigning Regional Regional Champions.

PRESEC-Legon and St Peter's qualified for the final with 48 points and St Augustine's with 53 points.

Photo: PRESEC-Legon candidates

Super subs

A name that will stay after the quiz is Newton.

Newton Jimmy Stephen is a candidate for the finalists at St Augustine's College. The student in the last year does not start competitions; he comes for the last two turns; Round four, the true or false segment and Round Five, the riddles.

Mensah Yaw Nathaniel of Presec Legon, also a finalist, enters for his school at the same stadium.

Photo: Nathaniel and Newton; competitors in the NSMQ2019.

Both became popular among the fans of the Primetime show for their accuracy when they enter the game.

Addressing Kojo Yankson at JoyNews' AM Show, Newton and Nathaniel explained why they came in replacement and their importance for the school's win.

Inner History: How Presec, St. Augustine and St Peters Qualified for the NSMQ Final

The nine finalists of the competition on Wednesday presented a taste of their preparations for the final today.

While their quick, intelligent and eloquent responses have delighted the millions of people who watch them week after week, little is known about the preparations that gave birth to this.

The Presec, St. Augustine's College and St Peter's candidates perform so well on stage that they almost seem to stick to a well-rehearsed scenario led by Primetime, the organizers of the quiz, in the only purpose of generating excitement to the public.

Kojo Yankson's questions on the JoyNews AM show brought the geniuses closer to Joy FM's viewers and listeners.

Finalists of the NSMQ @ Joynews

During the interview, it was obvious, even to the disinterested observer, that these competitors were steel and baked in the hottest and fieriest furnace in the world.

They touched on issues in any sphere of life with the same dexterity and brilliance with which they answered complex questions in science and math during the quiz.

"I do not hear applause when I'm focused on the quiz," said a Presbyterian Boys competitor who was asked if the applause of their fans affected their performance in any way.

Achimota NSMQ

What preparations have entered the contest?

The role of the alumni of the different schools continued to appear.

The elders of these great give more than deafening acclaim. In unison, the three schools admitted that they had come here with the support of their old boys.

Among other things, candidates at Presbyterian High School for Boys said that it is the encouragement and direct support of their former students that keeps them going.

Finalists of the NSMQ @ Joynews

St. Augustine, for example, admits to having a special department devoted to preparing students for the competition, which has been made possible thanks to the benevolence of their former student badociation.

With such an infrastructure, the school organizes as many simulated competitions as possible, including with external schools.

These preparatory preparations help them overcome the pressure and fear that usually characterize long-awaited national competitions.

The role of parents and family members was also discussed.

For example, Presec's famous competitor, Dodoo Emmanuel Nii Amu, said his sister was his psychologist, who helped him do his best during the competition without breaking down or running out.

St. Peters wins NSMQ semifinals

Kojo Yankson asked how candidates could answer varied questions in a field as vast as science and mathematics. They said, "We specialize. "

Specific areas are badigned to the candidates. Thus, depending on the area from which the question originates, a particular candidate chooses to answer.

It is for this reason that some use the substitution method whereby one candidate replaces another according to the scientific field in question.

These ensure that the pressure in the contest is spread evenly.

Presec NSMQ joy

In anticipation of the grand finale tomorrow, they said they were not worried.

"Once you qualify for the final, only God has the last word. There are no big schools, "said the candidate.

Inspired by their future aspirations, it was evenly spread between the fields of medicine, petrochemical engineering, computer science and entrepreneurship.


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