Recap of Stranger Things, season 3, episode 1


Recap of Stranger Things, season 3, episode 1

Netflix Strange things is back for a long-awaited third season and we recap the eight episodes. The second season is over with Eleven closing the door to stop Mindflayer. Strange things Season 3 The episode 1 began when Dustin returned from the science camp.


Dustin returned from the science camp disappointed by the fact that his friends were not there to greet him. What he did not know was that they were there to surprise him. After the shock, Dustin showed his new and powerful radio amateur. He wanted to use it to contact his camp girlfriend, Suzie. Supposedly, she was Mormon and he could not call her.

The children walked for hours at the top of a hill to install the antenna. Mike and Eleven left before their arrival. Dustin called Suzie several times, but he did not get an answer. When night fell, Max and Lucas left, followed closely by Will. Dustin stayed and, although he did not reach Suzie, he heard conversations in Russian. Russian scientists were working to open the door upside down.

Heart to Heart

Recap of Stranger Things, season 3, episode 1

Mike and Eleven were in a happy state of young love. They went to Eleven's room, but when Hopper saw them, she closed the door telepathically. Hopper spoke to Joyce for advice on how to treat them together. Joyce advised him to speak to them at their level and helped her understand what to say. As he spoke, Hopper insisted on bringing Mike home. He would talk and Mike would listen. All that Joyce had directed him was going out the window.

The real world

Recap of Stranger Things, season 3, episode 1

Jonathan and Nancy worked together at the Hawkins Post but had different experiences. As Nancy was a woman, her responsibilities were focused on providing food and coffee for all. When she came up with a story idea about the effect of the mall on downtown businesses, they did not take it seriously.

Steve was stuck working on the nautical-themed ice cream at Starcourt Mall. His father gave him a lesson, so he took a sabbatical year.


We saw a horde of rats running in a barn. As they gathered together, they spontaneously exploded. Nancy received a call in the mail with information about rats. In addition, a whirlwind of shadows reminiscent of the Mindflayer is formed.

Billy was a lifeguard at the community pool. He arranged to meet Mrs. Wheeler in a motel. She changed her mind and fell into an accident when something vicious struck her windshield. Billy wandered into the barn, where he was caught and dragged.

What did you think of this episode of Strange things? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Strange things

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