First white proximity sensor for iPhone 4 to reveal a modified camera lens



Like any new Apple product, soon after its release, the iPhone 4 white has been disbadembled to see what it usually contains. You'd be forgiven for thinking that the internal components of the white device are exactly the same as those of his black counterpart, but surely Apple has changed something while it was delayed for all those months?

Well, the first disbadembly of the new device reveals changes in both the proximity sensor and the lens of the camera facing the back. One of the problems that would have caused the delay of the white handset was a light leak in the camera; it seems that Apple has corrected this problem with a camera lens further back.

As you can see in the comparison photo (top), the camera lens of the right white camera is much more integrated into its environment, compared to the camera. objective presented on the black left apparatus.

Regarding the proximity sensor, they also differ from one device to another. However, it is not currently known how the two components differ. It is clear from the recent images of the white iPhone 4 that Apple has changed the design of the proximity sensor from the outside: what was once tiny holes above the speaker of the iPhone & nbsp; Device is now a much more pronounced opening.

Screenshot 2011 05 02 to 08 16 56

These changes were obviously made to solve the problems related to the device that caused Apple's 10-month delay in placing it on the market. Problems with both the camera and the proximity sensor were rumored well before the camera was released.


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