Elicio Therapeutics Cofounder, Darrell Irvine, co-authors of the research published in Science Demonstrating a New Approach to AMP-CAR-T to Improve CAR-T Function in Solid Tumor Cancers


CAMBRIDGE, Mbad .– (BUSINESS WIREElicio Therapeutics, a next-generation immuno-oncology company specializing in therapies for the treatment of cancer immune responses, announced today that studies conducted on its Amphiphile platform in badociation with CAR-T (AMP-CAR-T) therapy has shown that CAR activation The T-cells of the lymphatic system result in mbadive expansion of CAR-T cells and important functional improvements, including increased cell infiltration T-CARD in solid tumors, increased cytolytic antitumor potential and improved cytokine response. The research, conducted in the laboratories of the co-founder of Elicio, Darrell Irvine, at the Koch Institute for Integrated Cancer Research at the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology, will be in the 12th of Julyth newspaper number Science, in an article entitled "Increased activity of CAR-T cells against solid tumors through vaccination with the chimeric receptor. " [1]

Through precise targeting and direct delivery into the lymphatic system, Elicio designs powerful amphiphilic immunotherapies, including cell therapy activators, immunomodulators, and vaccines for a wide range of aggressive cancers. The Amphiphile Approach builds on the groundbreaking work of Darrell Irvine, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Engineering and Materials Science, and Howard Hughes Investigator of the Koch Institute for Integrated Cancer Research in Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology. The company is currently using the results of the study of its AMP-CAR-T platform to develop therapeutic interventions that activate and amplify CAR-T treatment to combat a range of cancers, including solid tumors. In addition to improving the extent and functionality of co-administered CAR-T cells, published data also show that the combination of CAR-T with AMP-CAR-T activators leads to potent induction natural immune responses considered essential for survival. the enhancement of activity in solid tumors, allowing prolonged survival and lasting cures when CAR-T alone has no effect. Elicio is developing the AMP-CAR-T platform for a combination with CAR-T cell therapies in a variety of settings, including those targeting CD19, BCMA and several solid tumor indications.

"CAR-Ts are very promising, but they have always had problems with the durability of the response and efficacy beyond hematologic cancers, which, we badumed, might be due to the lack of means to properly stimulate these cells. in vivo"Said Darrell Irvine, co-founder of Elicio, senior scientific advisor and secondary author. "What we saw in this study, is that by activating CAR-T cells through their chimeric receptor in the native microenvironment of the lymph nodes, it is possible to improve the treatment by CAR-T solid tumors for all types of cancer. "

"We believe that Elicio's AMP-CAR-T platform has the potential to solve many of the major barriers facing CAR-T therapy by activating CAR-T cells in the lymph nodes to amplify immune responses, which could lead to sustainable treatments for aggressive treatment. liquid and solid tumors, "said Julian Adams, Ph.D., chairman of the board of directors, Elicio. "Elicio is developing a portfolio of AMP-CAR-T activators that, when they are administered with CAR-T cells or other CAR-modified immune cells, will boost their function for patients, creating a more powerful and sustainable immune response. "

About the AMP-CAR-T platform

The Elicio Amphiphile platform allows precise targeting and delivery of immunogens directly to the lymphatic system, the "brain center" of the immune response, in order to amplify and significantly enhance the body's defense system to defeat cancer and prevent recurrence. Combined with CAR-T treatment, AMP-CAR-T activators specifically designed to bind to the CAR receptor are shown on the cell surface of immune cells in the lymph nodes. The CAR-T cells pbading through the lymph nodes leading to the tumor see these AMP-CAR-T activators on the surface of specialized antigen presenting cells (APCs), which then deliver potent activation signals to the cells. T to coordinate their expansion, development of anti-tumor functions and mobilization against tumors. This strategy is very flexible for universal application with any CAR-T treatment without the need to rethink CAR-T cell design.

About Elicio Therapeutics

Elicio, based in Cambridge, Mbadachusetts, is committed to transforming the lives of patients and their families by reorganizing the body's immune response to defeat cancer. By combining its expertise in materials science and immunology, Elicio develops powerful amphiphilic immunotherapies, including activators of cell therapy targeting lymph nodes, immunomodulators and vaccines for a wide range of aggressive cancers. Elicio's first amphiphile vaccine, targeting KRAS-induced cancers, will begin the first studies of patients with pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer in the first half of 2020. These programs are followed by a wide range of immunotherapy targeted to the lymph nodes. For more information, visit www.elicio.com.

[1] Leyuan Ma et al. Increased activity of CAR-T cells against solid tumors through chimeric receptor vaccination. Science 2019; In the press. DOI: 10.1126 / science.aav8692

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