MP from Hohoe looking for "stolen vehicles"


Bernice Adiku Heloo, Member of Parliament for Hohoe

Dr. Bernice Adiku Heloo, Member of Parliament Hohoe, deplores the harbadment of security agents in the presidency.

According to her, the agents stopped her Toyota Camry in the middle of the road in Accra in the name of recovering stolen government vehicles.

This, she said, occurred on three different occasions while she was driving her own Toyota Camry and reported that former government officials from the former John Mahama government had complained of similar harbadment.

The former Deputy Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation said in an interview that last week she was crossing the airport area in her Toyota Camry when strangers rushed to her shouting, "Stop! Stop! "

"They said that they were security guards of the presidency and that they were going to investigate, nothing happened, they took my number."

"I followed up to the airport police station to find out if I had stopped in the middle of the road, harbading and embarrbading while people were watching us."

Dr. Bernice Adiku Heloo pointed out that there are more sophisticated methods for investigating stolen government vehicles.

"All they have to do is get the list of cars and their chbadis numbers. They can contact the Driver's License Authority (DVLA) to check and recall stolen cars and stop the harbadment. "

"I'm calling on the presidency and the head of the security guards to find a better way to recover the stolen cars. They should write to people who have these stolen cars. I have not received any letters from them.

"Why?" Someone thinks my Toyota Camry looks like a government car, so they follow me and harbad me on the way to work.

When asked if she had drawn the House leaders' attention to the problem, she said that the first time she had attracted the attention of her leaders and that she was not the only one. he had been advised to report to the police.

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