Partnership Agreements for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals – History of Ghana


Accra, July 12, GNA – Ghana shared its
experiences on how he collaborated with other non-state actors to push the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the High-Level Political Summit underway
Forum (FPHN) at the United Nations in New York.

A statement by Mrs. Akosua D. Ntim
Sekyere, Public Relations Officer, National Development Planning Commission
(NDPC) and a copy to the Ghana News Agency said that it was during a parallel event
jointly organized by the Platform of Government and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the theme "Building
Partnerships for the SDGs: Government, Civil Society, Private Sector and
Traditional authorities. "

He said that the head of government
Professor George Gyan-Baffour, who is also the president
Minister of Planning and Member of Parliament for Wenchi, in an opening address,
reiterated the crucial role played by effective partnerships to ensure
transformative and sustainable development.

He said: "At the heart of partnerships for
development is a win-win relationship where partners can pull their resources
and skills to meet economic, social and environmental goals
more efficiently."

The minister said that for the world to
achieve inclusive growth, sustainable development, peace and security, it
requires the support of all stakeholders – government, private sector, civil society
civil society, traditional leaders, faith-based organizations, universities, development
partners and youth groups, among others.

He said that we must reach global and global goals.
continental commitment to sustainable development – Agenda 2030 and AU
Agenda 2063 requires a comprehensive approach.

SDG 17 Sustainable Development
The objectives recognize multi-stakeholder partnerships as important vehicles for
mobilize and share knowledge, skills, technology and finance
resources to support the achievement of sustainable development at all levels
and in all sectors, he added.

Prof Gyan-Baffour indicated that since the
the adoption of the 2030 Agenda in 2015, the Government of Ghana created the
necessary to foster partnerships between developing countries

He said that Ghana's implementation agreement
because the Sustainable Development Goals reflect the multi-stakeholder approach, both state and non-state.
actors working together at all levels.

This has resulted in a number of innovations
partnerships and actions of traditional leaders, religious organizations, the private sector
academic sector, civil society organizations and youth to accelerate
implementation of the sustainable development agenda by 2030, he said.

Nana Effah Apenteng, Supreme Head of
Traditional Area Bompata and Secretary of Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, who
represented the traditional authorities, indicated that the heads of
immemorial had been champions of development within their communities in
complement the government's efforts.

He stated that several interventions by
traditional leaders contribute to the development of society in general and to the
the achievement of global and continental country commitments.

He said that educational funds put in place by
traditional leaders to provide scholarships to poor and needy students to
different levels of education contributed directly to SDG 4, which
emphasizes the provision of quality education and indirectly to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 8
and 10. "

He added that the SDGs provide a framework
consolidate the achievements of traditional leaders' initiatives for development
the improvement of a larger population.

"We recognize that the future well-being of
the communities we represent rely on the successful implementation of the
The SDGs. We are committed to working fully with government and all
stakeholders to ensure accelerated implementation of the objectives, "he said.

The private sector, represented by M.
Alhbadan Andani, Managing Director of Stanbic Bank Ghana, and Mr. Gayheart
Mensah, Vodafone's Director of External Affairs, emphasized the critical role
the sector had to play to accelerate sustainable development.

Mr. Andani said that the capital flourishes where
was peace and development – SDG 16.

The Directors-General's Advisory Group on Sustainable Development Goals stated
their unwavering support for the achievement of sustainable development
through the creation of the Sustainable Development Goals Fund and the Green Fund to finance
implementation and support the use of renewable energy, respectively.

Mr. Mensah said that companies should
be accessible not by the benefits they make, but how socially and environmentally
sustainable their operations were in the economy.

He badured that Vodafone would continue to
partner government in the innovative use of mobile data to cope with the development

Mr. George Osei-Akoto, Co-Chair of
The CSO Platform on Sustainable Development Goals and the Country Director for SEND Ghana noted that,
there was now a change of antagonistic relationship between CSOs and
government to a system based on collaboration, which also allows effective management

He noted that CSOs were responsible for
complement governments' efforts for national development, while at the same time
and that the government report on development issues.

He congratulated the government for the observer
status given to the civil society platform for the SDGs at the highest level of
government to play a key role in the development discourse.

"We can not achieve the SDGs without such
partnerships, "he added.

Mr. Inge Herman Rydland from Norway and the
Special Envoy for the 2030 Agenda, said that the partnership between Ghana and
country builds on a shared vision for achieving sustainable development, adding
it means that the global agenda means that all are equal and have work to do.

Ms. Jenna Slotin of the Global Partnership for
Sustainable Development Data commended the Government of Ghana for its
leadership role in forming data partnerships to ensure that no one is left behind.

The High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on
Sustainable Development opened on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 at UN headquarters in
New York under the theme "Empowering citizens and ensuring inclusion and
The forum discussions would focus on Sustainable Development Goals 4, 8, 10, 13, 16 and


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