385,000 people sign a petition asking fast food restaurants to stop giving plastic toys


More than 385,000 people have signed up for an online petition asking McDonald's and Burger King to stop distributing plastic toys with their children's meals.

The petition was launched by two girls and asks fast food giants to try to do their part to reduce the amount of plastic found in the oceans as well as in landfills.

Ella and Caitlin, aged nine and seven respectively, started the petition after learning about the environment at school.

However, rather than just learning more about it, they decided to start doing something about it. They started the petition by Change.org and he was incredibly well received.

Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental challenges we face. Credit: PA
Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental challenges we face. Credit: PA

Currently, the number of signatories is increasing to more than 386,000 people. This is not bad by the standards.

The petition reads: "We are Ella and Caitlin, aged 9 and 7, and we learned everything about the environment at school and the problem of plastic. We were very sad to see how plastic damages wildlife and pollutes the ocean we want to change that.

"That's why we want Burger King and McDonald's to think about the environment and stop giving plastic toys with their children's meals.

"We like to eat at Burger King's and McDonald's, but kids only play with plastic toys that they give us for a few minutes before being thrown away and harming them." animals and pollute the sea.

"We want everything they give us to be sustainable so that we can protect the planet for ourselves and for future generations."

Too much plastic ends up in our oceans. Credit: PA
Too much plastic ends up in our oceans. Credit: PA

"After learning about the environment and pollution at school, we wanted to do everything in our power to help. We place a poster in the window of our house to save the planet and we try to recycle as much as possible.

"But we want to do more, which is why we started this petition – it's not enough to make recyclable plastic toys – big, rich companies should not make plastic toys.

"Help us make sure that Burger King and McDonald's listen to us by signing our petition for the environment."

To be fair, McDonald's has taken steps to reduce its impact on the environment in recent times by reducing the amount of plastic used.

Plastic straws are no longer used at McDonald's in the UK and Ireland. Credit: PA
Plastic straws are no longer used at McDonald's in the UK and Ireland. Credit: PA

Last year, they announced that they had to ban plastic straws in all their restaurants in the UK and Ireland.

Then, last month, they announced that they would also stop using plastic lids in McFlurry packaging.

It's a good start, but we still have to do more to combat ocean pollution and preserve the world for future generations.

Featured Image Credit: PA

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