Is Hannah Brown the most negative single in history?


When the Bachelorettes embark on the quest for love, most of them are optimistic and lucid about the potential matches on the horizon. As a rule, they come directly from a season of The single person where they were heartbroken and have a sob story so sad that all of America rooted for them to find love.

But as the series continues, the Bachelorettes finally realize that being the lead role is not as easy and fun as it looks on TV.

Having trouble choosing who you want to be with is quite comparable to the series, but Hannah Brown had a hard time doing more than just picking a lover this season. In fact, she says, she had problems pretty much every step of the way.

Brown doubted that she would fall in love

"I do not know if I'm going [get there], She said during a mid-season episode. "I see that there are relationships here that, like, could really be that to me. But I'm not going to just go into something if it's not where it should be. "

She even thought about quitting.

"I really lost a lot of hope, but I always want to know that there must be good results," she continued. "It's difficult, but I'm not giving up. I am going to complain … but I will go to the end of this affair. "

Brown is the most negative Bachelorette?

Although it may seem like Brown is still saying negative things about her time as a Bachelorette, things are turning for her.

In an interview with Extra, she revealed that she was really happy now.

"I'm happy," she said after the shoot. "I'm very happy, have there been any hard times for me? Absolutely, was this trip what I expected? Absolutely not. But sitting here now, I can say I'm so happy of everything that happened and that I came out loud and alive on the other side. "

At the time, she was excited for the future.

"I'm really excited," she continued. "I think I have so many emotions right now because we just finished filming and will see what I went through months ago. But I'm excited about it. I am very happy with my career and the bad times because it allowed me to grow and learn and to surpbad myself. "

So, even though we have the impression that Brown is always negative in Nancy, it's just because she treats her feelings out loud.

Rumors that Brown broke his engagement

Unfortunately for Brown, his happy ending does not seem to stay that way. Reality Steve reported that the former beauty queen had already broken her engagement.

"I can confirm that Hannah broke her engagement earlier this week," Steve Reality tweeted recently. "They are always" together ", but the engagement is off – it's not a" never talk to me again "about what I'm being told, but it's not all the bows either in the sky and the daffodils … "

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