Health before 40 years related to heart risks later in life: study


Health before 40 years related to heart risks later in life: study

July 16, 2019 – 11:18

PanARMENIAN.Net – Higher than normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels before the age of 40 can increase your risk of heart disease later in life more than you think, according to CNN, citing a new study.

A level of "bad" LDL cholesterol at 100 mg / dL or higher in a young adult was badociated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease by 64% later in life, said the study published in the Journal of Cancer Research. American College of Cardiology on Monday, July 15th.

Also in the study, systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 130 mm Hg was badociated with an increased risk of heart failure by 37% later in life and diastolic blood pressure of at least 80 mm Hg was badociated with an increased risk of 21%.

Normal blood pressure levels are below 120 systolic and 80 diastolic – or 120/80 – according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a healthy level of "bad" LDL cholesterol is below 100 mg / dL.

"The main point of interest of the study is aimed at young adults: do not wait to make healthy choices," said Dr. Andrew Moran, Principal Investigator at the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University in New York and lead author of the study.

"Our results show that waiting until the average age or older to improve one's diet and physical exercise can not always reverse the cumulative damage done at the beginning of the year." ;adulthood."

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