San Francisco Bay Ranks Best City for Women Entrepreneurs: Dell


According to a new study, the San Francisco Bay Area has overtaken New York as the most accommodating place in the world to be a female entrepreneur.

Efforts to eliminate the so-called bro culture, increase access to financing for women and technologies in progress In particular, developments have allowed the Bay Area to surpbad its rival on the East Coast to climb to the top of the 2019 ranking of Women's Entrepreneurial Cities (WE Cities).

In fact, the technology division outperformed the five key indicators of the report – markets, talent, capital, culture and technology – to surpbad the peak set by New York in 2017.

The progress of the Bay Area this year allowed New York to fall to second place, followed by London (3rd), Boston (4th) and Los Angeles (5th). The top 10 was completed by Washington D.C. (6th), Seattle (7th), Paris (8th), Toronto (9th) and Stockholm (10th).

Dell World Global Ranking 2019


The WE Cities Index, a joint venture of Dell Technologies and the international research company IHS Markit, ranks 50 global cities according to their ability to "attract and support high-potential women entrepreneurs".

It was launched three years ago to test the effectiveness of already proven "entrepreneurial poles", especially with regard to women business owners, said Karen Quintos, Executive Vice President. and Director of Dell Customer Services, launching the report in Singapore.

While all cities recorded improvements over the 2017 benchmark, Quintos said they all remained "still well below the 100 mark" – the total possible score – and showed a lot of room for progress.

The best-performing region, the Bay Area, scored 63.7%, slightly above the 62.9% peak set in New York in 2017. The average score in the 50 cities in 2019 was 40, 3% against 39.3%.

North America had the largest number of cities in the top 10 of the year, with a total of seven, followed by Europe, which had three. Cities in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East regions were absent from the top ranks.

However, no region overall performed well for the five key indicators. While North America has risen to the top of the cultural pillar for its ability to integrate women entrepreneurs, it is Europe that has recorded the most significant progress in terms of women and men. Access to capital.

Latin America has shown the greatest improvement in its ability to manage fair markets, the Middle East has made the most progress in technology, and Asia Pacific has an improved talent pool.

Chris Turner, vice president of government affairs at Dell, said the top performing cities were united by strong government support, which demonstrated the need for top-down action.

This should take the form of support policies and business partnerships, as well as the establishment of strong behavioral models. "The appointment of women to government positions is one of the main things to remember," he said.

"When we invest in women, we invest in the future, communities thrive, economies thrive and the next generation leads with determination," added Quintos.

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San Francisco bay at sunset

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