Kibali marks a decade of value creation on the DRC's Toronto Stock Exchange: ABX


All amounts are in US dollars

KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo, July 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Kibali's gold mine is on track to meet or exceed its production forecast of 750,000 ounces by 2019, said Mark Bristow, president and chief executive of the operator and co-owner of Barrick Gold Corporation.

At a press briefing for local media gathered today, Mr Bristow said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the acquisition of the Moto project, which has since been developed to become the world's largest. One of the largest gold mines in the world, bringing 2.7 billion dollars to the Congolese economy. the process.

It has also been a year since Kibali became the owner-operator of its underground mine, which is one of the most advanced in the industry in terms of automation. The system is currently under development at the next technological level, where it will allow operations with or without personnel in the same area.

According to Bristow, the autonomous operation of the autonomous mining industry is characterized by the transfer of specialized technical skills of expatriate instructors to the Kibali Congolese workforce. More than 90 percent of Kibali's 5,000 employees and contractors, including its leaders, are Congolese nationals.

It also makes a substantial contribution to the promotion of the local economy through its support to Congolese entrepreneurs and suppliers, who have turned the north-east of the country into a true commercial hub. In the first half of this year, Kibali paid some $ 79 million to its Congolese trading partners. In addition, it continues to develop infrastructure around the mine through initiatives such as the Durba Asphalt Project, which is paving a stretch of Uganda's main highway leading through the city center. Ambitious agribusiness projects designed to bring lasting benefits to the local community are also progressing.

"Ten years ago, we traveled to a remote part of Africa and discovered that what we believed to be a world-clbad opportunity, but one that would require a major investment and a lot of courage to grow. This opportunity became Kibali, which paid its first gold in September 2013 and reached full production in 2018, "said Bristow.

"We have invested in the DRC without any government incentive, only a clear and fair mining code. Last year, however, the government of the day unilaterally imposed a new code that, in our view, endangers the Congolese mining sector and could discourage future investment. We continue to engage with the government on this issue and were encouraged when the new President, His Excellency Felix Tshisekedi, outlined his vision of attracting foreign investment and developing the sector in a spirit of partnership, in front of the Executive Chairman of Barrick, John Thornton. gathered earlier this year. It is this partnership that has led to the creation of Kibali and supports Barrick's search for new world-clbad gold deposits in the DRC. "

Barrick Investigations

President and CEO
Mark Bristow
+1 647 205 7694
+44 788 071 1386
COO, Africa and Middle East
Willem Jacobs
+44 779 557 5271
+243 820 678 040
Country Manager of the DRC
Cyrille Mutombo
+243 812 532 441
Investor Relations and Media
Kathy du Plessis
+44 20 7557 7738
E-mail: [email protected]


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