Arrest of Parliament Speaker – Jacob Osei Yeboah


Policy of Tuesday, July 16, 2019



Jacob Osei Yeboah5 Jacob Osei Yeboah

Jacob Osei Yeboah, a candidate for the position of Independent Chairman, said the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye, and members of the Parliamentary Service Council should be arrested and prosecuted for planning earlier for the construction of the building. a new 450-seat parliamentary chamber.

The proposed chamber, which parliamentary leaders hoped to put in place three years from now, would cost $ 200 million. They argued that the current room of the State House was not suited to its purpose because it lacks adequate facilities and poses some security risks.

He said the project is useless and must be completely abandoned.

"I am happy that they have abandoned it under the pressure of public opinion … and I am happy that all the key players clearly understand that this idea will not be accepted by the citizens," he said. he told Judge Kweku Annan about Medo Ghana. & # 39; Kingdom FM 107.7 based in Accra

All those who underlie this idea should be arrested now, especially the Speaker of Parliament and the Parliamentary Council "

The $ 200 million project, which can accommodate 450 parliamentarians, was suspended by the Parliamentary Services Council after intense public protests.

The majority leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, who strongly supported the construction of the chamber, gave numerous interviews to the media to clarify why this decision was good.

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