South Korea legalises mobility platforms


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The Korean government has finally officially approved the applications used to hail the rides.
These applications appeared to the right and left, but they were faced with strong opposition from taxi drivers.
The plan announced Wednesday looks like a compromise.
Oh soo-young relationships.
South Korea has allowed mobility platforms to operate legally as a tourism business.
The Ministry of Transport announced on Wednesday a project to legalize carpool mobility companies, as a form of taxi, … if their drivers acquire a taxi license, … and that companies contribute a share of their profits for social purposes.
The ministry also announced that it would promote the growth of new taxi franchises, such as Waygo, and taxi call services, such as Kakao T.
Until now, companies such as the Tada carpool platform were operating using loopholes in the transport law, which prohibited drivers other than taxi drivers from making profits, to the benefit of the company. except those carrying at least eleven pbadengers.
With the rapid growth of such trouble-shooting services, and the fierce opposition of the traditional taxi industry, … the government is looking for ways to reach a compromise.
The government says its new plan aims to foster the growth of players and various services in the taxi industry, while protecting traditional businesses.
"The government has continued discussions with platform companies (…) in which we have once again confirmed that any party should be able to compete fairly within the legal framework. also enjoy the public. "
Contributions from the platform companies will support the traditional taxis sector and improve the well-being of its drivers, such as pension payments.
Taxi drivers have long feared that new players in the market will lead to job losses and lower revenues.
To further stabilize their incomes, the government has announced its intention to set up a monthly salary system for taxi drivers starting in 2021.
It will also encourage younger people to enter the industry by easing license conditions, … and by increasing pension payments to drivers over age 75 who decide to retire.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

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