Parliament approves 276 million euro facility for water project in Tamale


The Parliament ratified on Tuesday a € 12 million loan planned by the Government of Ghana during fiscal year 2019 to start construction of an infrastructure project. drinking water supply in Tamale and its surroundings.

This amount represents a portion of a € 233.963 million financing facility granted by the Government of Ghana and Deutsche Bank AG, the London Branch and the UK Finance Department. # 39; export; and a 43.007 million euro commercial establishment agreement with the same entity.

The purpose of this loan, according to a report of the Finance Committee, delivered to the House on Tuesday, is to fund the design, construction and commissioning of a drinking water infrastructure project in Tamale, in the United States. Northern region.

Among the 27 communities expected to benefit from the water project are Chesegu, Nanton, Yapei / Yipala, Chirifoyili, Nyankpala, Yepeligu, Dalun, Tamale Pong, Yaggoo, Gbullung and Sanerigu.

The others are Zagayull, Gurugu, Sankpala, Zagbullung, Jinosayili, Savelugu, Kusawgu, Kakpagayili, Tibung, Bagabaga, Kanvili, Tolon, Tamale Towship, Kumbungu and Vitin.
The project will pbad through the municipality of Damongo and will pbad by the following roads: Yipala, Yapei, Banyasi, Ntereso, Fufulso, Sumpini, Busunu, Kebiesu, Tailorpe, Alhbadan Kura, Jonopkonto, Achucunyo, Soalepe, Frafra Settlement No. 3, Boroto and Nabori .

The project, among others, is expected to improve drinking water in areas that were not originally supplied, with a total of 30 million gallons of water added to the existing system.

This will lead to a reduction in the prevalence of common waterborne diseases, increase opportunities for agro-processing enterprises, and generally improve the social welfare of the population of Tamale and surrounding areas, as well as the services of health facilities. health.

In addition, the provision of a reliable water supply will also help to improve economic activities in the project area, as direct and indirect jobs would be created during the construction period.

Ms. Abena Osei-Asare, Deputy Minister of Finance, announced in the Finance Committee report to the House that "the government intends to start the project as quickly as possible and has planned to raise of 12 million euros in the 2019 budget. the year following completion of all loan and project approval processes. "

Other things being equal, the project should be completed within 54 months, including a six-month development phase and a 48-month implementation phase.

The proposed project is expected to be the largest water project in northern Ghana, since independence, and its successful implementation is expected to give a significant boost to the agenda of the project. water for all by 2030 by the Government of Ghana.

It is expected that it will meet the growing demand for water from Tamale and its surroundings by the planning horizon of 2040. Tamale and its surroundings contribute significantly to Ghana's agricultural fortunes by producing a large number of arable crops such as maize, yam, cbadava, beans and rice.

With the newly created Savannah region, the Northern Region boasts of a significant portion of Ghana's population, hence a significant and growing water demand. The area is also home to several tourist attractions, including Mole National Park, Mystic Stone, patterned vernacular architecture and the entrance to Mole National Park, as well as the historic mosque, both located in Labaranga.

The existing water supply system for Tamale and its environs was built in 1972 and a treatment plant is located in Nawuni, on the White Volta, 37 km northwest of Tamale.

Expansion of the system was completed in 2008, including the construction of a 20,000 m3 storage tank at Yapei Yepalsi, which increased the production capacity of the water treatment plant. from 25,000 m3 / day to 44,000 m3.

Due to rapid population growth in Tamale and surrounding areas, demand for water has once again exceeded supply. and there are more and more residents who do not have reliable access to drinking water.

To mitigate the situation, the Ghana Water Company Limited had to implement a water rationing program in the metropolis and surrounding areas.

The Committee was concerned, however, that the law governing the agreements was English law, explaining that in the event of arbitration or any other dispute settlement procedure in relation to the agreements, the files could be transmitted to the lawyers. English to the detriment of Ghanaian lawyers.

It therefore recommends that the Government of Ghana insists that Ghanaian law is the law applicable to the resolution of all disputes arising out of or in connection with agreements to which the Government is a party.

As part of the measures to improve the collection of proceeds from the water produced by the project, a rigorous metering of the water consumed would be put in place and district-level counting zones would be established to monitor the water supply. pumped water in each locality.

The Committee informed the House that the design of the project included the installation of a source and collection data acquisition system, which would help detect failures and minimize water loss.

Source: GNA

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