Graham refuses to condemn Trump's racist tweets and calls Democratic women in Congress "a group of communists"


Graham's comments, which were later tweeted by Trump, are the latest example of Republican congressional alignment on Trump in the face of fierce controversy.

"Well, we all know that (the New York representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and this crowd are a group of communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own country," said Graham during an appearance in "Fox and Friends". "They call the guards along our border, border patrol agents," concentration camp guards. "They blame the people who support Israel for the Benjamins, they are anti-Semitic, they are anti-American. . "

Trump tweets the racist attacks of progressive women Democrats

Steve Doocy, co-host, asked Trump "he had gone too far" in his remarks. Graham, who represents South Carolina, said the president should "aim higher" than Congress women's personalities and talk about their politics.

"It is not necessary – they are American citizens, they have won the elections, adhere to their policies," he said.

Graham added that if the group of legislators became "the face of the future" of their party, "you would destroy the Democratic party".

Shortly after Graham's comments, Trump shared them in a tweet by writing, "Do I need to say more?"

On Sunday, Trump, without naming lawmakers, hinted in a series of tweets that the group of Democrat House recruits, including Ocasio-Cortez, representatives, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Mbadachusetts, was not born. in America and sarcastically suggested, "they go back and help repair the totally broken and crime-plagued places from where they came."

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Pressley are US citizens born in the natural state, while Omar was born in Somalia and immigrated to the United States when she was young. Omar became a citizen in 2000, at the age of 17, according to the New York Times.

Omar and Tlaib have all been controversial in the past for comments they have described and described by some as anti-Semitic. Omar was extensively discussed earlier this year for several comments, including those suggesting that Republican support for Israel would be fueled by donations from the US Public Affairs Commission of Israel, a pro-Israel group in Israel. foreground. Omar later apologized for his remarks.

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