KLM apologizes for his tweet about where to sit to survive a plane crash


The Dutch airline KLM apologized after one of its verified regional Twitter accounts tweeted about where in an airplane you would most likely die in an accident.

The regional Twitter account of the airline in India tweeted on Wednesday: "The seats at the back of an airplane are the safest!"

The tweet quoted a 2015 article in Time magazine that looked at aircraft accidents over the last 35 years and "found that the number of seats in the back third of the plane had a fatality rate." 32%, compared to 39% in the middle third and 38% of the seats.% in the third before. "

KLM India's tweet, which includes a photo of an aircraft seat surrounded by blue skies and clouds, says: "According to data studies done by Time, the death rate for seats in the middle of the plane is the highest, however, the mortality rate for front seats is slightly lower and is lower for seats in the rear third of the plane. "

He also used hashtags #TuesdayTrivia, #Aircraft and #Facts.

The tweet has since been deleted, but you can see a screenshot here:

KLM tweeted that the company "apologizes for any distress caused by the tweet" and "will examine our Twitter protocol to better guarantee appropriate content".

KLM India also apologized on Wednesday for the tweet, saying that she did not share her opinion and did not want to hurt anyone.

"We sincerely apologize for a recent update," he tweeted.

"The post was based on a publicly known public fact, and is not an opinion of KLM.Our intention has never been to hurt anyone.The message has since been deleted."

The Washington Post said the tweet was removed about 12 hours after it was published after the Post contacted the company.

However, a spokesman for the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) told the Post that there was not a clear consensus on the complicated subject of which parts an airplane would be the safest in case of an accident.

"Many people have tried and failed to produce a scientifically defensible answer to this question," said Lynn Lunsford, FAA Communications Manager, Post.

"There are too many variables, and that's the important factor – if few accidents – that a simple answer is probably not statistically defensible."

The tweet of KLM India was sent as part of the weekly account quiz, in which KLM India asks questions to its subscribers about the aviation sector and gives prizes to the winners on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook .

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