Exclusive: Martin Amidu on his way to join the NDC


The Ghanaian special prosecutor, Martin Alamisi Kaiser Amidu, is bound to return home to join his political comrades of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), in front line politics, Ghanacrusader.com can report with authority.

The anti-corruption activist, who accepted the appointment of President Akufo-Addo as head of the new special prosecutor's office last year, has been confronted with many frustrating and counterproductive attempts by appointees by the government, which practically prevented it from exercising its constitutional functions. duty to fight the transplant.

A prominent member of the NDC Council of Elders told Ghanacrusader that constructive discussions had taken place with his comrade Martin Amidu.

"Himself [Martin Amidu] Realizes that he is in the lions' den. He is ideologically opposed to Danquah-Busiast's thinking on politics and economic management. Our old flame of probity, transparency and responsibility binds us all as comrades. So, he goes home, "revealed the venerable top man of the NDC, but refused to mark a specific timetable for this future development that will upset the country.

The former party said that the differences and personal problems that Martin Amidu has with the flag bearer John Mahama, Mahama Ayariga and other members of the party are settled amicably.

"He is my brother, our brother. We are all human beings and can be hurt by the actions of a colleague. At the end of the day, we need to be mature as family members by coming together to move forward as a united house on the battlefield, "he added. .

Alban Bagbin, former Speaker of Parliament, John Mahama, learned to resolve disputes amicably. Alban Bagbin, our sources disclosed, is expected to play an important role in President Mahama's 2020 campaign.

And the same consideration is attached to Martin Amidu's homecoming. Martin Amidu is hailed for his sensible approach of seeing things done selflessly for the benefit of people. Some supporters of the NDC believe that it can be one of the keys to freeing the hearts of floating voters in view of the party's victory in 2020.

A close confidant of Martin Amidu, who fiercely launches his boots to become a deputy in the north of the country, told Ghanacrusader.com that the special prosecutor's return to the NDC's front-line politics "should not look like a storm in a cup of tea."

"Look at my brother, we have suffered from the NDC's internal policy. Treason, gossip, back bites, bad faith are just too important. So for me, I know that it [Martin Amidu] submit this return to a critical review. Martin Amidu will not jump just because someone told him to jump. He will think about it, "said the confidante of Amidu, adding:" I know certain movements. You warn me of advanced stage, but I will check with him later. His happiness is my happiness. This return must be accompanied by appropriate conditions and agreements. This time no one will be allowed to take advantage of us. "

NDC Secretary General Asiedu Nketiah said earlier this week that the party had urged Martin Amidu not to accept the appointment of President Akufo-Addo, but he has never listened.

Faced with the crushing obstacles and roadblocks that have tightened and prevent him from fully playing his role as special prosecutor, Martin Amidu hesitated to accept his appointment. His many epistles of public lamentations echo his situation.

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