New study shows that hearing aids can also help protect the brain against dementia | Life


Wearing a hearing aid could improve your brain function and improve your hearing, according to new research. - spike
Wearing a hearing aid could improve your brain function and improve your hearing, according to new research. – spike

LONDON, July 18 – A new British study shows that people who wear hearing aids for age-related hearing problems also appear to have better cognitive function as they age, compared to those who do not. do not do it.

Conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter and King's College London, the new study was conducted with more than 25,000 people aged 50 and over, some of whom wore hearing aids. All participants were invited to take cognitive annual tests over a two-year period.

The findings, presented at the International Conference of the Alzheimer's Association in Los Angeles, showed that participants wearing hearing aids were getting better results in the badessment of working memory – Temporary storage and management of information in the brain – and aspects of attention that those who have not done so.

For example, in one of the attention tests, participants with hearing aids showed faster reaction times, which, in the opinion of the team, reflects their concentration. Daily examples of concentration include "looking closely at an object of great interest" or "listening carefully to someone who is speaking".

The team said the findings provided early evidence that wearing an effective hearing aid could have a protective effect against dementia. They also noted that previous Lancet Commission research on prevention, intervention and dementia care had shown that hearing loss appeared to be a significant risk factor for dementia.

"Previous research has shown that hearing loss is related to a loss of brain function, memory and an increased risk of dementia. Our work is one of the largest studies on the impact of wearing a hearing aid and suggests that wearing a hearing aid could actually protect the brain. We now need more research and a clinical trial to test this and perhaps fuel the policies to help people stay healthy later in life, "said Dr. Anne Corbett, lead author, from the University of Exeter.

Professor Clive Ballard, of Exeter University's Faculty of Medicine, added, "We know we could reduce the risk of dementia by a third if we all act from the middle of our life. This research is part of an essential set of work to determine what really works to keep our brain healthy. This discovery is early and requires further research, but its potential is exciting. The message here is that if you're aware that you need a hearing aid, find one that's right for you. At the very least, it will improve your hearing and may also help you keep your brain alert. »- AFP-Relaxnews

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