New Law Must Regulate All Religions – Global Evangelical Moderator | General news


The call to Parliament to enact a law regulating the activities of churches must be extended to all other Ghanaian confessions, said moderator of the World Evangelical Church, the very reverend Dr. Setorwu Kwadzo Ofori.

While admitting that some so-called preachers and bishops gave Christianity a bad name, hence the decision of Parliament to legislate on the activities of churches, he added that this decision should be extended to all other religions of the world. countries, including traditional religion.

According to him, it was only reasonable that the traditional African religion that enslaved people, through practices such as the Trokosi for years, would not be left behind in the call for legislation.

"When church problems arise, people get up again, but when other religions come forward, we are quiet," he said at the conference. ordination of 22 pastors of the church of Trinity parish in Kotobabi in Accra.

According to Church doctrine, a pastor is eligible for ordination after graduating from the Global Theological Seminary (GTS), the pastoral training school of the church, and serving and pastoring a congregation for two years.

The ordination ceremony in the crowded auditorium of Trinity Parish in Kotobabi was marked by praise, praise and cheers the day a woman and 22 men were ordained for the ministry.

President's Order

Last May, the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Oquaye, gave a joint committee of Parliament a month to make recommendations on the possible regulation of churches in the country.

The committee responsible for this responsibility included the Youth, Sports and Culture Committee and the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee.

The referral follows a debate on the ground where MPs called on the state to regulate the activities of churches to a man because of the many excesses badociated with their activities.

The House was divided on this subject, with some members saying that it would not be biblical to regulate churches.

Lifestyle of Christian leaders

The moderator of the GEC pointed out that although legislating on Christianity was a Herculean task, the problems were gaining momentum because of the way some Christian leaders lived.

He challenged the newly ordained ministers to preach the word of God without the self-glorification that was badociated with some ministers of the gospel today.

"Please, preach the word and invite people to accept Christ. Teach them, feed them. Do not resort to those things that will project you so that people say that you are powerful. Yes, if God has given you the gift, yes, use it, but it is not you, it is God. Go do the work of God faithfully. If you do that, he will bless you faithfully.

He also urged Christians not to be deceived by the idea that once they have accepted Christ, their salvation is guaranteed, no matter what sins they commit daily. .

"After accepting Christ, you must live faithfully every day for Christ. You can not say that because you are a Christian, you are predestined and you can not lose your salvation, so anything is allowed, "he said.

He also expressed his concern about what he described as the clarification of the word of God by some preachers, which gave the impression that some things were hidden from the faithful, claiming that everything was laid bare for all Christians.

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