7 precious under a value of up to $ 200,000 could be in your pocket


Most cents are worth 1 cent, but for collectors, some are worth more than their weight in gold.

Earlier this year, an ordinary penny hit the headlines when he was found among the possessions of a man by the name of Don Lutes. The 1943 bronze medal of 1943 drew nearly 30 bids and was sold for $ 204,000 in January, according to Heritage Auctions, the organization that led the sale.

"Lutes, then 16, received copper penny in his high school cafeteria in 1947," Stone Stone, a coin cataloger for Heritage, told CNBC Make Stone.

The lutes possessed the coin until his death in 2018. In poor health, he lodged it at Heritage. Proceeds from the sale were donated to the Berkshire Athenaeum in his hometown of Pittsfield, Mbadachusetts, according to the Dallas-based auction house.

"The pennies have been around since the beginning of the American monetary system," said Stone. "Several prototypes for the cent were produced in 1792, including the Great Hundred Birch."

The most beautiful object known from 1792 birches sold at a heritage auction in 2015 for nearly $ 2.6 million, the highest price ever paid for a penny at auction, a- he declared.

The value of a penny depends on its quality and rarity. Although most pennies are worth only a few dollars, the most coveted can be sitting in your pocket or stuck somewhere in your sofa cushions.

Chances are long, but they are always worth looking for. Before saying "Keep Change", check to see if you have any of these precious sub:

1. 1943 Bronze Lincoln

(Image: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

Only a handful of these bronze coins have been discovered, including the one found by Lutes. "The most valuable Lincoln sold privately in 2010 for $ 1.7 million," Stone said.

In order to preserve copper for the war effort, the US Mint moved to making one-cent coins from galvanized steel planks instead of the usual bronze coin blanks, Stone said. At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

As fate would have liked, "some of the old bronze planks got stuck in the big bins that the Mint had used to feed the coin presses late in 1942," he said. "The few bronze coins struck went unnoticed and were put into circulation."

Today, the bronze cent of 1943 is described as "the most famous piece of error in American numismatics" – and the chances of finding one are astronomical.

Nobody knows exactly how many people have been affected, but according to Stone, 15 to 20 people are now aware of collectors, even if it is possible that some of them will be n & # 39; Have not yet been accounted for.

Because of its value, some counterfeits have been created with steel cores. If you think you've found a 1943 Lincoln in bronze, the Mint suggests testing it with a magnet. If it sticks, it's not copper.

2. 1969-S Doubling Die Avers

(Image: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

Double arrays are created when the hub prints an additional image on a matrix (or buffer), causing misalignment. James Bucki, parts expert at Spruce Crafts, tells CNBC Make It double its losses.

Doubling the dual 1969-S avenue is particularly evident in the words "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD OF CONFIDENCE", he said. (Collectors refer to the obverse of a coin as being the front or the "heads" – usually with a portrait.) Also look for the letter "S" just below 1969, which means that she was created at the San Francisco Mint.

Bucki estimates that 1,000 or fewer were made before the Royal Mint discovered his mistake. A room in good condition could cost about $ 75,000. Last year, one of them sold for $ 35,000, according to Coin World, a popular information and badysis website for collectors.

3. 1992 near the reverse

(Image credit: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

"On the reverse side of the 1992 shutdown, the right foot of the" A "and the left foot of the" M "in" AMERICA "," said Stone. (Most coins minted that year have well-defined spaces between these letters.)

This is because in the 1990s and early 2000s the Mint had used different dies to produce coins for circulation and collectors' proof, Bucki explained.

But due to confusion, a test die was used for the back of the coin before its intended use from 1993. It is likely that a full print run of 250,000 centimes was been printed this way, he said. This makes them much easier to find than the 1969 Doubled Die coins.

Bucki estimates that a 1992 Close AM coin in relatively new condition could be worth around $ 20,000. Another more used could sell between $ 2,000 and $ 3,000. One sold at a heritage sale in 2012 for more than $ 20,000, according to Coin World.

4. 1972 double doubled obverse

(Image credit: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

Similar to the 1969 Doubled Die, the doubling of this penny is particularly visible in the words "LIBERTY" and "IN GOD OF CONFIDENCE" – with a slight light doubling on the date, Stone said.

Bucki estimates that at least 250,000 coins were released with doubled die. "I know some people who have found that in their pocket," he added.

5. 1995 Double Avers

(Image credit: James Bucki)

Although the doubling of these pieces is not as important as on the 1972 Doubled Die coins, Bucki stated that this was quite visible in the word "LIBERTY", especially in the letter "B." There is also a bit of light doubling the date.

"It's one of the easiest pennies to find," he said. "I found one myself."

Being more common, they are also less valuable. Stone estimates that a piece in good condition could sell up to $ 45.

6. 1999 Wide AM Reverse

(Image credit: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

The 1999 Penny Wide AM is the exact opposite of the 1992 Close AM pitcher.

"The usual draw was supposed to have the letters" A "and" M "in" AMERICA "almost touching each other, and special vouchers were supposed to have a larger space between these letters," said Bucki.

Once again, the Royal Mint incorrectly used a die of proof to strike normal coins. He estimates that a piece in new condition could be worth around $ 500. A poor quality piece could yield up to $ 45.

7. 1983 Double Die Reverse

(Image credit: Heritage Auctions, HA.com)

In this case, the doubling is on the back of the coin.

"It's especially evident in the words" ONE CENT "and" PLURIBUS UNUM. "It looks like you're seeing double, Bucki said.

About 250,000 of these coins were minted, he said. A used coin could sell for $ 75 or less, while another cleaner could cost around $ 200.

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