Sixth Legionnaires Case Related to the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel


By: Candessa Zona-Mendola from MakeFoodSafe

To date, 6 cases of legionellosis have been reported. bound Sheraton Downtown Atlanta Hotel. After the announcement of the hotel closure last week, the Georgia Ministry of Health announced its participation in the release investigation.

Legionella pneumophila / CDC bacterium

In a public statement, the hotel said it could run out several weeks before the reopening of the health offices. Meanwhile, hotel guests have been transferred to the Hilton, not far from the property.

The Georgia Department of Public Health states that it is unclear if clients contracted the disease while they were staying at the hotel. The health agency thinks that the hotel's water system could be to blame. "They have a nice pool and it's closed right now. They say that they are working on the filtration system. Maybe they have not made the connection, "said Cherie Drenzek, an epidemiologist from the state of Georgia.

But the pool is not the only suspect. "Shower heads, hot tubs, maybe even some epidemics in the past have been badociated with decorative fountains," said Cherie Drenzek, an epidemiologist with the Georgia Department of Health.

The investigation is still ongoing.

Revitin reappearing

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