Uganda will issue birth certificates to cows | Social


A proactive measure by the Ugandan government to ensure traceability of products and take advantage of the international market for local farmers will allow cows to obtain a birth certificate.

Mr. Vincent Ssempijja, Ugandan Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, confirmed this statement at the inauguration of the National Agriculture Fair, held at the Jinja Nile Spring. Daily Monitor reported that he said; "They (international market) want to know where the products come from; they seize and ban all shipments from Uganda if they discover a box containing problems. "

The minister added, "Farmers will be registered and their products will have bar codes. Thus, if they encounter a problem with a box, they look for the source and fix the problem. We can only enter the lucrative market if farmers are registered.

"For livestock farmers, the situation will be worse. You will be registered as a farmer, the cow will be registered, numbered and will have a birth certificate because the importers of our products require meat for cows aged 15 to 24 months. So we will sell according to their age. "

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