Government plans to issue birth certificates for cattle


Plans have reached an advanced stage for the issuance of "birth certificates" for animals as well as for the registration of all herders and their livestock by the Ugandan government.

Peul cattle
Suleiman Yusuf, a boy aged just 8, drinks milk from a cow of his father, near the family home of Kachia Grazing Reserve, in the state of Kaduna, Nigeria on April 16 2019. – The Kachia Grazing Reserve is an area reserved for the use of the pastel shepherd and is intended to be the center of livestock development. The purpose of grazing reserves is the establishment of nomadic pastoralists and the encouragement of sedentarization through the provision of land for pasture and permanent water as a means of avoiding conflict. (Photo / AFP)

Ugandan Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Vincent Ssempijja, said the initiative had become necessary to allow the government to locate the origin of products.

Ssempijja explained that the international market required all food producing countries destined for the European market to provide evidence to trace them.

"They want to know where the meat and vegetable products come from.

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"They seized and banned all shipments from Uganda if they found a box containing problems.

"Farmers will be registered and their products will receive barcodes. Thus, if they detect a problem with a box, they look for the source and solve the problem.

"We can not access lucrative markets without the registration of farmers," he said at the official opening of the Jinja National Agricultural Show, in the south of l & # 39; Uganda.

Ssempijja added that all cattle must be registered and receive "birth certificates".

"For livestock farmers, the situation will be worse. You will be registered as a farmer, the cow will be registered, numbered and will have a birth certificate because the importers of our products require meat for cows aged 15 to 24 months.

"So we will sell the meat according to their age," he added.

An EU audit team is expected to arrive in Uganda in September for this purpose.



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