CCSD 2019: The new trailer of the TV series Watchmen unveiled on the occasion of Comic-Con


During SDCC 2019, a new trailer for the upcoming Watchmen HBO series was released. The trailer details the escalating conflict that will occupy a central place in the show: A world after the events of the legendary comic book series where the police chose to wear masks as militias after a coordinated attack against cops – what's the difference between masked policeman and a dangerous militant, though? That's the problem. The trailer also takes time to spell out the motivations of some of the main characters, some more familiar to comic fans than others. You can watch the new San Diego Comic-Con trailer above.

Based on the comic of the same name, Watchmen takes place in an alternative version of the United States in which the vigilantes became known and quickly became illegal after the billionaire "philanthropist" Adrien Veidt had organized a catastrophic attack on New York to bring about a kind of unification of the world into the shared terror of extraterrestrial threats. Seriously, there is a giant squid and everything – it's as crazy as it sounds.

In the show, however, costumed heroes like criminals and police have come in their place, wearing masks, bugging the laws and suppressing the terror of the people they are supposed to protect. Superheroes may still exist in this new status quo – several cartoon characters are featured in the trailer, including Hooded Justice and the omnipotent Dr. Manhattan, who sits on Mars during events and apparently staying there.

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Watchmen has always been, at the base, an exploration of the "reality" of a society populated by self-defense groups – superpowered or not, and a text seeking to question the ability of anyone to indulge in to violent actions with little responsibility. The trailer suggests that the tone will be maintained, but from a completely different angle.

Watchmen will air on HBO in October 2019.

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