Feeding peanut babies reduces the risk of allergy


(CNN) – Researchers say even babies with eczema or egg allergy can still benefit from eating peanut products.

The Canadian Medical Association newspaper published an article Monday describing a study of 640 infants. The children were all less than 11 months old and were either allergic to eggs or had moderate to severe eczema.

The researchers said that some of the infants received two grams of peanut protein three times a week. They discovered that only about 3% of children who ate peanut protein had developed a peanut allergy later.

More than 17% of children at risk who completely avoided peanuts developed an allergy at the age of five.

Researchers warn that the more severe eczema or egg allergy, the greater the risk of allergy to peanut.

The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recommends testing these risks on children before introducing peanuts into their diet.

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