Full black mode for the browser
The most obvious change, however, is full support for the macOS dark mode. Although there have been some in previous versions, but it has not been fully implemented. Chrome 76 now automatically adapts to the device's system settings. If the appearance is set to "dark", the navigator comes in discrete anthracite. However, this only concerns the appearance of the application itself: designing a website in dark mode depends on the design of each site. However, obscure mode adaptation is very complex, so many websites do not support it yet.
Chrome 76 now fully supports dark mode.
Screenshot: MacTechNews
Incognito mode stricter
Chrome 76 web pages are no longer able to detect if the browser is in incognito mode. Until now, website operators have been able to determine, through a software component missing in this state, that the user did not want to leave any trace of data. This was used, among others, at Paywalls. Since standard and incognito modes can no longer be distinguished in this way, newspaper publishers, for example, must come up with something new to protect their content from non-paying visitors to the website.
Flash off by default
If you still want to use Flash in Chrome 76, you must first enable the plug-in. By default, the new version of the browser blocks this component. Google is therefore taking another step towards eliminating the multimedia veteran. In the coming months, the plug-in, which regularly attracts attention due to security vulnerabilities, will be permanently removed. Adobe announced the final version some time next year.
Closed vulnerabilities
With Chrome 76, Google has also closed 43 vulnerabilities, including five critical. In addition, support for progressive Web applications has been improved. Those who already use the search engine giant's browser will automatically receive the update as a rule.
Additional articles:
03/13/19 ·
Chrome 73 comes with dark mode
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