Nancy Pelosi calls Jared Kushner "slum lord" in Baltimore after Trump's racist attacks


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner after the president attacked the city of Baltimore as a "rat-infested" area.

Ms. Pelosi referred Kushner to the fact that the real estate developer who became a White House advisor has real estate in the city, and his tenants say the conditions are less favorable.

"The president – this is not a surprise – really does not know what he's talking about," Pelosi said Thursday. "But you could perhaps ask his son-in-law, who is a slum lord, he wants to talk about infestations by rodents."

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Ms. Pelosi is from Baltimore, but serves a district of California.

His reference to Mr. Kushner as slum owner comes right after the Associated Press visit of an on-site apartment complex and spoke to residents who said their apartments are infested with mice that can not go away.

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"I do not know how they enter," said Davon Jones, a tenant. "Every time I catch them, they come back."

Mr. Trump has been criticized for his racist attacks on Baltimore, and MP Elijah Cummings, a civil rights icon who represents a part of Baltimore in Congress.

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The attacks – and the turmoil that followed – effectively drew attention to the problem and occurred when Mr. Cummings and other Democrats intensified their investigations into the affairs and relatives of the President.

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