The scene unfolds shortly after the surviving Avengers located the hidden planet of Mad Titan and captured it for the purpose of securing the Infinity Stones. As we all know now, Thanos had already destroyed the stones, leaving the heroes an easy way to undo the breakup. Upon learning this, Thor wins a hollow victory by cutting the villain's head with Stormbreaker. But co-author Christopher Markus reveals that the Avengers could only kill him because Thanos allowed him.
"They only do what Thanos allows them to do. He has finished his job and lets him kill him, "said Markus.
From Negan to Thanos: villains who think they are saviors
This certainly adds a new, morbid and scary layer to the scene, but it makes sense when you badyze Thanos' state of mind in Endgame. In Infinity War, Thanos saw himself as a savior responsible for saving the universe from himself. Thus, with the universe correctly "balanced" according to his philosophy in Endgame, he had no reason to defend himself because the purpose of his life was complete.
Captain Marvel even supports this feeling when, after the scouting of the Garden, she says that Thanos is alone, without army or defense. He could have built a fortress guarded by warships and teeming with Outriders to live the rest of his days, but he instead chose to live on a farm in solitude, knowing full well that he would be at thanks to his enemies if they ever found him.
As 2014 Thanos says later in the film, the fact that the current Thanos was killed at the end of his mission is simply "an accomplished destiny". Thanos probably sees himself as a martyr, ready to die for what he believes in, which makes his steel belief in his cause all the more disturbing. In fact, according to Markus, it seems that Thanos, the manipulator that he is, could have taken into account his death in his grand plan.
What do you think of the new context of this scene? Let us know in the comments.
Joshua is the main feature editor at IGN. If Pokemon, Green Lantern or Game of Thrones are frequently used words in your vocabulary, you will want to follow it Twitter @JoshuaYehl and IGN.
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