Revenge of the Sith’s saddest scene has a heartwarming story


Star Wars: Revenge of Sith has one of the franchise’s most tragic scenes, but on set the timing was heartwarming.

the Star wars The prequels follow Anakin Skywalker’s turn to the dark side, and part of that transformation includes Anakin’s murder of the Young Jedi in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, which may be the most emotionally devastating moment in the film. While the context in the universe is deeply sad, the context behind the scenes is healthy.

During a Reddit AMA, Ross Beadman, the actor who played the youngster who spoke to Anakin, explained the circumstances surrounding the filming of the scene. He said his little surprise comeback was the result of Hayden Christensen telling him “hoot”, which freaked him out giving the perfect reaction.

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In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin completes his transition to the dark side. He participates in the infamous Order 66, where the clone army turns against the Jedi and orchestrates the purge, with Anakin killing the young ones himself.

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The young people turn to him for support and advice when he enters the room, but he betrays them. When Anakin enters, Beadman’s youngster asks, “Master Skywalker, what are we going to do?” In response, Anakin simply lights his lightsaber and scares the hearts of the young before killing them.

The moment is sad in part because of the belief in the children’s play in the scene. Beadman in particular is so serious that he turns to Anakin for advice, which makes his leap back even more heartbreaking, even though it was the result of Christensen shouting “hoo”. The fact that it comes from a place of fun and good humor between him and Christensen helps to bring lightness to the very heavy scene after the fact, but that doesn’t detract from the significance of this moment in the film.

Thanks to Christensen’s cry “hou”, the return of the young Padawan can be perfectly timed with the lighting of Anakin’s lightsaber. This trick is not only adorable, but it adds realism and an authentic look to the scene. This is especially useful given that lightsabers hardly ignited on set, so the “boo” could indicate lightsaber firing in post-production.

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Order 66 is incredibly sad and impactful. It effectively sets the context for Obi-Wan’s isolation in Star Wars: A New Hope, and it increases the tragedy of Anakin’s transformation into Darth Vader. Between the reach of the scenes across the galaxy and the moody musical score, audiences feel the pain and suffering of the situation.

To make matters more painful, Anakin’s destruction of young people is tragic. Part of that tragedy is felt because of Beadman’s true acting, but it’s thanks to a rather silly and heartwarming moment behind the scenes. While the scene is sad, fans can rest assured that the behind-the-scenes aspects of this tragedy are entertaining.

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