There is nothing worse than feeling sick to your stomach from your stomach day in and day out. But that’s what almost half of Australians feel on a daily basis. According to CSIRO, at least 50% of Australian adults experience unpleasant bowel symptoms such as bloating, gas and constipation, and 1 in 7 experience distressing symptoms. It is an alarming statistic.
Speaking from experience, I can tell you that some (if not all) bowel conditions can ruin your life and your confidence. Especially for a woman. The constant bloating, upset stomach, and disrupted bathroom schedules will ruin anyone’s confidence. When you’re constantly bloated, you feel like you’re gaining weight when you’re not, which ruins your self-esteem even more.
So what causes poor gut health?
A bad gut is usually the result of a lack of good bacteria and an invasion of a lot of bad bacteria. All of the above symptoms are caused by bad bacteria.
A diet high in processed sugar and packaged foods, overuse of antibiotics, diets very high in protein, and diets high in “ protein bars and protein powders ” for muscle building, overuse of Artificial sweeteners and a range of lifestyle factors can have a big impact on your gut health. These include poor quality sleep, high stress levels, heavy drinking, and prolonged inactivity, like sitting at a desk all day and not exercising after or before work. All of these factors can significantly harm your good gut bacteria.
When your gut bacteria are out of balance, digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, or bloating begin to appear.
An unhealthy gut can manifest itself in several ways. Here are five of the most common signs:
- Frequently upset stomach. Stomach disorders like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn are all signs of an unhealthy gut. A balanced gut will have less difficulty processing food and eliminating waste.
- A diet high in sugar. Eating a diet high in processed foods and added sugars can drastically reduce the number of good bacteria in your gut. This imbalance can lead to increased cravings for sugar, which can further damage your gut as you will eat more sweets more frequently.
- Unintentional or inexplicable weight changes. Gaining or losing weight without changing your diet or exercise habits can be a sign of an unhealthy gut. It happened to me, I gained about 7kg without realizing it. An imbalanced gut can decrease your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, store fat, and regulate blood sugar. Weight loss can be caused by a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), while weight gain can be caused by insulin resistance or the urge to overeat due to a decrease in blood pressure. nutrient absorption.
- Sleep disturbances or constant fatigue. A diseased bowel can contribute to sleep disturbances such as insomnia or poor sleep, and therefore lead to chronic fatigue (which can be fatal). Most of the body’s serotonin, the hormone that affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut. Therefore, intestinal damage can seriously affect your ability to sleep well.
- Skin irritations. Skin conditions such as eczema and acne can be linked to an injured gut. Healthcare professionals are well aware that intestinal inflammation caused by a poor diet or food allergies can cause increased “leakage” of certain proteins in the body, which in turn can irritate the skin and cause pain. conditions such as eczema. . But that’s a whole different article.
Now that we’ve identified some of the key indicators of a bad gut, let’s move on to the good news. You can improve your gut health!
Here are some lifestyle changes you can try implementing daily to improve your gut health:
- BREATHE! Try to focus on long, slow, and deep breaths throughout the day! This activates our digestive system and lowers our heart rate, thus reducing stress.
- TO DRINK A LOT OF WATER! Water flushes out toxins and helps keep everything moving in your body, including your digestive system. Try to drink plenty of water between meals, not during meals.
- PRIORITIZE SLEEP! I mean, really prioritize your sleep. This means no electronic devices 1 hour before bedtime, getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep, and aiming to get up at the same time every day. It can be a real struggle for many.
- REDUCE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION! For an absolute minimum of 1 to 2 standard drinks per week.
- AVOID REFINED FLOURS, SUGARS, PRESERVATIVES, COLORS AND FLAVORS! This means all foods with more than a few ingredients on the label.
- SWAP EXCESS COFFEE FOR HERB TEAS. You may want to drink decaffeinated coffee for a while and give your gut a break.
- FOCUS ON HOW YOU FEEL. NOT WHAT YOU LIKE. It was a big problem for me. Instead of focusing excessively on losing or gaining weight, listen to your body and what it is telling you. This can include eating only when you are hungry, not when it’s time to eat or when other people are eating. Eat consciously, if you crave chocolate eat it or you will crave it later and it could lead to binge eating.
- MOVE YOUR BODY. Find an exercise that you enjoy and do it regularly. Aim for an hour a day.
- EAT IN A QUIET STATE. (AWAY FROM DISTRACTION & STRESS FREE) This means no TV and no eating when you are under the influence of stress as this can cause indigestion and further intestinal irritation.
- EAT WHOLE, REAL FOODS AT EVERY MEAL. That means lots of colorful veggies, legumes, and complex carbohydrates and proteins. (More information on this in a future article).
So, we know what can cause a bad gut and how you can improve your gut health. It is important to remember that the intestine needs time to heal. By implementing all of these lifestyle changes, you can slowly heal your gut and prevent new gut flora from forming.
Note: If you have any concerns, you should consult a doctor or gastroenterologist. This article is not intended to provide specialist medical advice, and the points in this article may not apply to everyone.
Always seek professional medical advice when in doubt.
Despina Karp is a licensed makeup artist, esthetician and lifestyle writer based in Sydney, Australia. She is currently studying skin health and nutrition and is passionate about makeovers and healing skin (and health) issues from the inside out. Follow her here for everything related to skin, health and beauty.
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