How regionalism helped Africa deal with the COVID-19 pandemic


One prediction during the COVID-19 outbreak was that Africa could be the epicenter of deaths from the pandemic. This does not happen. The record rate of infections, deaths and recoveries shows that Africa is the second least affected region in the world.

Fears that Africa might be the epicenter of the pandemic have been fueled by a few factors. One was the presence of overcrowded informal settlements. Another was weak systems in many countries and insufficient numbers of medical personnel in all areas. In addition, hospitals lack essential equipment such as test kits, personal protective equipment and oxygen machines.

Most countries have adopted national strategies, such as closing borders. Others have taken a more regional approach.

In a recent study, I examined the role played by regionalism in containing the pandemic. The porous borders between many countries in Africa have presented additional challenges – as well as opportunities – for a regional response to COVID-19.

I concluded that a regional approach had helped contain the pandemic because of the opportunity it offered to share resources, information, training and testing. For example, effective surveillance and deployment of testing equipment at borders has helped limit cross-border transmission of the virus.

But I also concluded that, for the future, there is a need to build more regional health infrastructure that can help the continent manage new outbreaks.

The reasons for a regional approach

Since March 2020, African countries have adopted various measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond national responses, there were continental and regional approaches under the auspices of the African Union through the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and regional economic communities.

Regionalism has been adopted as a strategy for many reasons. The first was the limited ability of some states to manage the pandemic. At the start of the pandemic, many lacked the infrastructure and sanitary equipment needed for testing, personal protective equipment and oxygen. Although the problem of inadequate health infrastructure is common in most parts of the continent, it is worse in small states like Lesotho.

A regional approach made it possible to mitigate the negative effects of this weakness through the mobilization of resources and the distribution of essential health equipment.

The second reason for a regional approach was the fact that the borders separating African countries are very porous, artificial and arbitrary. Given the imperative of cross-border trade, the kinship ties across borders, and the frequent travel that accompany these high levels of interactions, national strategies alone would not have been sufficient to contain the spread of COVID- 19.

Read more: How COVID-19 affected informal cross-border trade between Uganda and DRC

Read more: How Africa’s porous borders make it difficult to control Ebola

Read more: Southern Africa’s porous borders pose problem to contain coronavirus

Third, the enormous financial need to manage the pandemic. This included assistance for those whose jobs were affected, rent subsidies and other social interventions. The limited capacity of the state to mobilize these resources at the national level necessitated a regional approach. The African Union has mobilized resources from the international community to help meet the enormous financial needs of managing the pandemic. The regional approach has provided a stronger voice in this regard.

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Continental response

From March 2020, the African Union took the initiative to coordinate a continental response to the management of the pandemic. The political and bureaucratic leadership of the African Union, represented by Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, and Cyril Ramaphosa, Chairperson of the African Union at the time, mobilized private sector stakeholders and the international community to contribute to the fund. . For example, Africa50 has contributed $ 300,000 to support the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Similarly, the African Development Bank has supported the fund to the tune of $ 27.33 million.

They also asked for help from the international community. The duo called on the private sector and the international community to contribute to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund.

This money was needed to buy health equipment, raise awareness and deal with the economic fallout from the pandemic.

The African Union also called on existing institutions such as the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and regional economic communities to train and equip health officials at regional and continental levels to deal with future pandemics.

These institutions have emerged as part of the regionalization process underway in Africa. For example, the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were established in 2016 in response to previous epidemics like Sars and Ebola. He has played various roles such as information and communication, training and capacity building, and collaboration with regional and international organizations.

In some cases, some of the continent’s eight regional economic communities have also played a role. For example, in West Africa, the Economic Community of West African States has drawn on previous experiences in Ebola management to coordinate the activities of member countries.

The regional body developed a regional strategic plan and, through the West African Health Organization, helped build the capacity of regional health officials through training, information sharing and resource mobilization.

In East Africa, however, the denialist approach of the Tanzanian government under former President John Magufuli has undermined the collective will of the East African Community to fight the pandemic.

The country has not closed its borders; there was also no strict adherence to the protocols recommended by scientists.

Lessons learned

Africa is not yet out of the woods. Recent data shows that new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are cause for concern. Access to vaccines remains acute.

However, using a regional approach helped mobilize resources to the African Union’s targeted $ 647 million COVID-19 response fund. This fund has been used to support the recovery efforts of some African Union member states and to build the capacity of the African Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The recent $ 1.3 billion donation from the Mastercard Foundation would go further towards the purchase of vaccines and the management of future pandemics. This money will especially help small states that might otherwise not be able to access resources.

He is affiliated with the Institute of African Studies at Carleton University and the African School of Governance and Policy Studies

By Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba, Adjunct Research Professor-Institute of African Studies, Carleton IUniversity, Carleton University

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