About 90 percent of preventable road accidents – Tema MTTD | Social


The Tema Police Command of the Transport and Motor Traffic Department (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service said that around 90 to 95 percent of road accidents that occur in the country are preventable.

MTTD Sergeant Richard Timinka noted that all it takes for road users to prevent road accidents is to comply with any regulations, rules or codes that govern driving.

Sgt Timinka representing the regional commander of MTTD – Ghana Police Service told Ghana News Agency in Tema and MTTD Road Safety Campaign Platform.

The GNA and MTTD road safety project seeks to actively create a coherent and systematic weekly awareness-raising advocacy on the need to be careful on the road as users, to educate all road users on their respective responsibilities and to make drivers aware of road safety rules.

According to him, regulations such as the highway code, the highway code and the highway code have taken care of everything that happens on the road and if they are followed, accidents will be significantly reduced.

Sgt. Timinka explained that there are generally four types of accidents, but the Ghanaian system recognizes three, which are fatal, severe and minor.

He said fatal crashes involved death regardless of the number of lives lost, severe crashes involved injuries when the victim (s) spent more than 24 hours in hospital while minor crashes occurred with injuries where the victims spent less than 24 hours in hospital before being released. .

Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Regional Director of Tema GNA, noted that road safety is a shared responsibility and that Ghanaians should be concerned with everything that happens on the road.

He said: “No one can say they don’t use the road, we are all road users, whether as a passenger, driver or pedestrian, cyclist or motorcyclist”.
He said the actions or inactions of people on the road could cause an accident that could affect the individual or other people.

Mr Ameeibor mentioned that the impact of road accidents was severe, indicating that besides fatalities and injuries, it had financial implications.

He said that “for example, when the breadwinner is incapacitated, the livelihood of the whole family is lost even though the person survived the accident.

Mr. Ameyibor urged Ghanaians to help fight the carnage on our roads. “Let’s stop road accidents and join forces to fight for safer roads.”

Source: GNA

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