WUSC launches “INVEST” project to reach 5,000 young women in Ghana


A leading Canadian non-profit organization, WUSC, has launched a five-year project, Innovation in Non-Traditional Vocational Education and Skills Training (INVEST) for women in Kumasi, Sekondi-Takoradi and Accra.

This is part of the Global Affairs Canada Award in April 2021, a C $ 8.5 million grant to WUSC to implement the INVEST initiative to promote sustainable pathways and enhance economic empowerment. , the well-being and inclusive growth of 5,000 poor young urban women in Ghana. .

INVEST Project Director Appiah Boakye said: “WUSC is excited about the opportunity offered by INVEST, to strengthen and connect TVET system actors on the supply and demand side of the market. work, to comprehensively address how community, industry and training providers can encourage and encourage women to take up lucrative skilled work that will lead to greater economic prosperity for young women and ultimately , the mother of Ghana ”.

WUSC launches

The five-year collaborative initiative (2020-2025) aims to INVEST specifically in women, institutions and labor markets in high-growth, male-dominated occupations.

It aims to empower women with sustainable skills, reduce gender barriers and increase women’s contribution to economic growth in Ghana through a three-fold multidimensional approach:

1) Strengthen existing apprenticeship programs and expand opportunities for young girls to access formal and informal apprenticeship programs through institutions and the private sector;

2) Encourage the private sector to support the entry of young women into the sector and develop the business acumen of women graduates and entrepreneurs;

3) Approach and sensitization at community, industrial, institutional and national levels around the inclusion of women in commercial areas dominated by men.

Through the INVEST initiative, the EUMC will use an inclusive market systems approach to strengthen the capacity of a wide range of TVET actors to support women interns, graduates, artisans and entrepreneurs in predominantly trades. masculine.

Drawing on the expertise of its partners, WUSC works alongside ABANTU for development, the national entrepreneurship and innovation plan, the Ghana Chamber of Construction and Industry, women in Law and Development and Self-Search Ghana.

In addition, the Commission for TVET, Farm Radio International, Lyme Haus Solutions and the National Institute for Vocational Training, to improve the functionality of system actors within the TVET system to provide young women with market-specific and gender-sensitive training and support.

The EUMC also intends to focus on two main avenues of employment: formal wage employment and entrepreneurship.

This should be made possible by establishing a business case for industry employers to hire, retain and promote women in the workforce, as well as co-hosted business competitions with partners from across the industry. industry to encourage women to start or develop businesses, women will be able to obtain better opportunities and create an independent life.

INVEST’s Business Development Advisor, Nii Tackie-Otoo, for his part explained: “The strategic partnership plan with the private sector will accelerate the implementation and bring systemic impact to the female employment and entrepreneurship program of INVEST since the private sector has extensive innovation, expertise, resources, networks and capacities that they can bring through entrepreneurship and market-based solutions that have the potential to reach the market. scale and sustainability by addressing systemic gender challenges in the non-traditional TVET sector.

About WUSC:

WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to create a better world for all young people. We bring together a diverse network of students, volunteers, schools, governments and businesses who share this vision.

Together, we promote youth-centered solutions to improve educational, economic and empowerment opportunities to overcome inequalities and exclusion in more than 15 countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Since 1950, WUSC has worked with Global Affairs Canada and other donors to implement innovative education programs and initiatives that strengthen economic empowerment and improve opportunities for youth and women in different sectors.

With the launch of the INVEST initiative in Ghana, Global Affairs Canada and WUSC aim to reach 5,000 women and other stakeholders by creating sustainable pathways and improving economic empowerment, well-being and the promotion of inclusive growth.

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