Is A Meal Style Better?


According to the review, the main differences between the diets relate to fat: “The main difference between the two diets is the main source of fat. Olive oil is synonymous with MD. [the Mediterranean diet] while the ND [the Nordic diet] uses more rapeseed / canola oil. “

While this interchange of ingredients may not seem like enough to matter, as they are used in cooking almost anything it can add up. Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is known for its health benefits thanks to its high content of polyphenols and other beneficial bioactives like omega-9 fatty acids. On the other hand, it is less conclusive that rapeseed oil has advantages. It’s popular in cooking for its low smoke point, but the way it’s processed means most contain less essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, although cold-pressed extra virgin versions exist and can. be better.

Some of the other specific foods highlighted in each diet are also different, due to the very different environments from which the diets started. In the Mediterranean, as mentioned, olive oil reigns supreme – but is it surprising that the same is not true for the Nordic diet where the colder climate means there is no hope to grow olives?

In the Nordic diet, other key foods include berries, cabbage, apples, pears, root vegetables, oats, rye, and fermented milk, all of which have their own health benefits, although the authors of this review are careful to remind us that an isolated component of the diet does not necessarily decide its holistic potential. In the Mediterranean diet, the guidelines put even more emphasis on seasonal eating and favor low-fat grains, vegetables and fruits and dairy products with only a few servings of fish or white meat per week.

The more detailed breakdowns of the diets are also different: when examining how the different macronutrients should contribute to daily energy intake, here is how they break down (according to a review of the literature on the Mediterranean diet and Nordic cooperation, respectfully) . While the profiles aren’t that different, the key seems to be a different focus on fat and protein.

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