Monkeypox: what you need to know


What is monkey pox?

A rare disease in the same family as smallpox, it occurs when you are infected with the monkey pox virus. Scientists first noticed the disease in 1958 in a group of laboratory monkeys used for research. Monkeypox has also been found in some rodents and other primates in Africa.

The first known human infection occurred in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On July 15, 2021, the CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services confirmed a human case in a U.S. resident who traveled from Nigeria to Dallas.

Symptoms of monkey pox

It usually takes 1 to 2 weeks after exposure to become ill with the monkey pox virus, but it can take up to 3 weeks. Symptoms include:

One to 3 days after the onset of your fever, a rash appears. It usually starts on your face before spreading to other parts of the body. The rash is most common on the hands, feet, arms, and legs. It also tends to follow a particular pattern: flat, round lesions (macules) turn into slightly raised bumps (papules), then into bumps filled with clear fluid (vesicles). These then turn into bumps with a yellowish liquid (pustules) which overlap and fall off.

How do you get monkey pox

Any infected animal or human can pass the virus to someone else through blood, other bodily fluids, or monkey pox lesions on the skin, including inside the nose and mouth. Contact with things that have touched these bodily fluids could also pass it on.

The virus enters your body through a cut in the skin, which you might not see, or through your mouth, nose, or eyes. You can breathe it in as well, but you’ll likely need to be in close contact for quite a long time. This is because the larger droplets don’t travel very far.

How serious is monkey pox?

The disease usually takes its course in 2 to 4 weeks. This can be quite serious, especially in children who have been exposed to a lot of viruses or in people with other health problems or a weakened immune system.

In some cases, there can be thousands of lesions that grow together causing large sections of skin to shed at once. Up to 10% of people who contract monkey pox die from the disease, usually in the younger age groups.

Possible serious complications from monkey pox include secondary infections such as:


Your doctor will examine your lesions and ask you detailed questions about your symptoms, such as when you most likely came into contact with the virus. They will try to rule out similar conditions such as:

A lab test can tell if you have monkey pox.

Smallpox treatment

There is no specific treatment recommended for monkeypox. Your doctor can help you stay comfortable and try to avoid serious complications with rest, plenty of fluids, and over-the-counter medications. Some Doctors Suggest Smallpox Vaccine, Antivirals, and Vaccinia Immune Globulin (VIG) to Help Control the Spread of Monkey Pox in the United States

Early research seems to suggest that people vaccinated against smallpox may have some protection against monkey pox, resulting in milder illness.


  • Stay away from animals that may have the virus, especially animals that have died in areas where monkey pox is common.
  • Stay away from bedding and other materials that have touched a sick animal.
  • Separate infected people or animals from other people at risk of infection.
  • If you must be near an animal or person infected with the virus, wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Use protective equipment like masks, goggles or safety glasses and gloves if you cannot avoid contact.
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