Don’t worry by contributing Ghc100 to support the National Cathedral – Prof. Gatsi to Ghanaians


The dean of the School of Business at the University of Cape Coast, Professor John Gatsi, criticized the government for asking Ghanaians to contribute 100 Ghc per month to support the construction of the national cathedral.

He said building a national cathedral is currently not a deeper national need.

Professor John Gatsi advised Ghanaian families to make contributions to support small businesses instead

“Don’t worry about contributing GHS100 to support the construction of a cathedral, it’s not a deeper national need. Rather, this is the time when Ghanaians should help support small family business initiatives.

“The priority of Ghanaians, especially young people, is to be productive and any effort by Ghanaians to organize micro and small seed money for young people will be a rewarding social investment,” Prof. John Gatsi explained at the meeting. an interview on Uniq Breakfast Show.

The dean of the School of Business at the University of Cape Coast insists that he will feel rather blessed to help build a local church building even if he does not pray there rather than help support the national cathedral project.

He explains because when he travels across the country he sees a lot of people worshiping under uncomfortable school sheds.

The conversation about the GHS100’s monthly contribution to the construction of the National Cathedral is all the rage on social media.

During the presentation of the budget statement to Parliament, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Attah said the government is proposing an initiative to call on Ghanaians to donate a sum of 100 Ghc each month to support its course.

” …An initiative ; the monthly GHC100 also dubbed “Ketoa Biaa Nsua” will be launched by the administrators of the National Cathedral on August 12, 2021, to give the greatest number of Ghanaians the opportunity to be a part of the history of the National Cathedral ”, Ken Ofori -Attah announced while instructing all MPs to be involved.

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