Venice ban on cruise ships goes into effect amid mixed reactions


From Sunday, cruise liners and ships over 25,000 tonnes or over 180 meters will be banned from the shallow Giudecca Canal in Venice. Many residents have long been frustrated by the presence of what they consider to be “eye ulcers” in the world famous lagoon. But will the ban withstand considerable economic pressure?

Only small passenger ferries and freight ships will be allowed to enter the historic center of the lagoon city from August 1 under the new rule.

The Italian government passed an urgent decree banning large ships just over two weeks ago, saying it was a decision taken to “protect the environmental, artistic and cultural heritage of Venice, declared the site of the world heritage by Unesco “.

The last-minute decision helped Venice narrowly avoid being included in the list of Unesco World Heritage sites “in danger” during the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee in China last week.

Unesco had previously expressed concern about the impact of tourism and the cruise industry and potential damage to buildings, as well as planned infrastructure and construction projects in Venice.

Reference was also made to the impact of climate change and extreme weather events on the lagoon.

New docks
The first cruise ship since the start of the Covid pandemic, the MSC Orchestra, with a capacity of 2,500 passengers, sailed in the lagoon in early June before continuing its journey to Croatia and Greece, inciting hundreds of people to protest against the return of the giant. linings.

In response, the government identified a temporary disembarkation solution at the mainland industrial port of Marghera, where construction of new mooring areas is planned, to accommodate large ships until a longer term arrangement. be found outside the lagoon.

The ban is a huge victory for those who campaigned for years claiming that these ships caused pollution and erosion of the lagoon city’s delicate environment. Tommaso Cacciari, the leader of the militant group No Grandi Navi (No Big Ships) expressed his satisfaction.

His organization was behind several big events when the MSC Orchestra entered the lagoon.

Livelihoods at risk
Other activists fear the battle is not over yet as they face huge financial interests.

This is not the first time that Italy has passed legislation restricting the access of large ships to Venice. Alternative mooring areas in Marghera are far from complete and many believe they haven’t seen the last of the cruise ship monsters, while others insist the city cannot survive without them.

There are fears the move will further affect tourism after months of lockdown due to the pandemic. The livelihoods of many in Venice depend on the cruise industry, although the government has said workers and businesses affected by the ban will be compensated.

The ban, which will make a cruise to Venice less attractive to visitors because the ship can no longer reach St Mark’s Square, is expected to halve the number of tourists arriving in the city with this medium to long term, from a on average about 1.5 million per year before the pandemic.

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