French president uses social media to counter false information on vaccines


In selfie and t-shirt mode, French President Emmanuel Macron took to Instagram and Tik Tok to answer questions about the vaccination campaign in France, in order to counter the “false information” and the rumors that have circulated about the social networks.

Macron, who is on vacation at the face-to-face retreat at Fort de Brégançon on the Côte d’Azur, posted a short one-minute video on social media, filming himself.

In his article, Macron stressed that vaccination is “the only weapon” against a fourth wave of Covid-19.

“I know a lot of you are still wondering, scared, a lot of hearing false information, false rumors, sometimes complete bullshit – it has to be said – so I decided to answer your questions directly. Go ahead, ask me and I will try to be as direct and as clear as possible “, explained the French head of state.

Macron’s initiative comes as the third consecutive Saturday of demonstrations against a Covid health pass was marked by an increased mobilization of more than 200,000 people.

Conspiracy theories
Among the first questions visible on Instagram on Monday came from a user who has “already had (his) two doses” and wanted to know if a “3rd dose is possible in 6 months”.

Another was the testimony of a woman saying “vaccinated and released!”

A question posted on Macron’s account was: “What is the point of vaccinating when in certain regions wearing a mask outside has become mandatory again?” “,” How to prove that the vaccine minimizes severe forms? “,” What is in this vaccine?

Other users asked, “Is it true that there is a 5G chip in it?” “,” Is it sure that this vaccine does not shorten our lifespan?

Some also asked Emmanuel Macron if he himself had been vaccinated.

Vaccine deployment continues
On the vaccination front, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health said on Sunday that 42,592,047 people have received at least one injection (63.2% of the total population) and that 35,472,139 people have now been fully vaccinated. (52.6% of the total population).

The number of people hospitalized on Saturday, according to Public Health France, was 7,409 against 7,363 on Friday, and the number of people in intensive care units, where the most seriously ill are treated, was 1,099 against 1,072 the day before.

The number of new positive cases on Saturday was 23,471 compared to 24,309 on Friday, with a stable positivity rate of 4.3%.

The disease has yet killed 43 people in 24 hours in hospital, according to figures on Saturday, bringing the total number of deaths to 111,898 since the start of the pandemic.

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