How the international media reported on the #FixTheCountry protest


Protesters demanded accountability and transparency from the government Protesters demanded accountability and transparency from government

• The #FixTheCountry event took place on Wednesday August 4, 2021

• The event was widely covered by local and international media

• The media highlighted the issues raised by the protesters

After months of back-and-forth with Ghana’s police service, #FixTheCountry activists on Wednesday expressed their wish to take to the streets to protest bad governance and other issues which, in their wisdom, cripple the country.

Contrary to what critics hoped, turnout was huge with thousands of Ghanaians, mostly young people marching from Kwame Nkrumah Circle to Independence Square where they culminated with provocative speeches, hammering their demand for the political class to stand up.

The protest that has “been preparing” since May has gained international attention with foreign media covering the non-partisan protest.

Bloomberg report

The Bloomberg report on the massive and hugely successful protest was titled “Ghanaians Demonstrate Against Rising Unemployment and Costs”.

Yinka Ibukun’s report states that “Ghanaians have launched a series of planned protests to pressure the administration of President Nana Akufo-Addo to do more to create jobs for young people, improve health care and education standards and reduce the cost of living ”.

bbc pidgin

The pidgin version of the BBC website also flagged the demo with extensive coverage of compelling videos and photos.

The news, an article written in pidgin talks about the number of protesters, compliance with Covid-19 protocols and the concerns raised.

“#FixTheCountry activists for Ghana stormed the streets of Accra today to protest against the problems of social and economic infrastructure in the country.
This is the first time the group has hit the streets after they started rallying around the hashtag online around May of the year, ”read excerpts from their report.

Al Jazeera

The Aljazeera report like the others highlighted the different inscriptions on the signs and highlighted the economic issues that fueled the demonstration.

“Led by social media activists, the #FixTheCountry Twitter protest highlighted economic issues and government management.

“If the political authorities don’t fix this country, we want to tell them that we are capable of destroying their careers because we have brought them to power,” said Fatima Mensah, a 35-year-old activist.


On DW, the protest was the star of the African Link program which focuses on the main issues of the African continent.

They spoke with some of the demonstrators and gave a presentation on the economic situation of the country as well as the demands of the demonstrators.


AfricaNews in its report highlighted the possible causes of the protests and noted that the protests will be replicated in different regions of the country.

“Dressed in red and black and chanting patriotic songs, the protesters held up signs saying ‘Corruption breeds poverty’ and ‘Fix our education system now’ as they marched through the city center.

“Wednesday’s rally was the most recent anti-government protest since March, when a supreme court dismissed the main opposition party’s challenge to Akufo-Addo’s re-election late last year.”

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