Sputnik V: Afenyo-Markin must stop “lying” to defend Agyeman-Manu’s lies


Chief Minority Whip Muntaka (left) and Deputy Majority Chief Afenyo-Markin Chief Minority Whip Muntaka (left) and Deputy Majority Chief Afenyo-Markin

• Two leaders of Parliament publicly objected to whether the Minister of Health lied in the House

• Afenyo-Markin insists Agyeman-Manu told the truth to ad hoc committee that reviewed vaccine supply

• Muntaka, meanwhile, says Afenyo-Markin literally lies to cover up Agyeman-Manu’s lies.

Chief Minority Whip and Asawase MP Mohammed-Mubarak Muntaka said Deputy Minority Leader Alexander Kwamina Afenyo-Markin was using lies to defend the lies told by Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu .

The two lawmakers have been in serial disagreement over whether or not Agyeman-Manu lied to a parliamentary committee that investigated issues related to the purchase of Russian-made Sputnik V vaccines.

Afenyo-Markin had pointed out in an interview with Joy FM that the minister had not lied under oath as has been widely peddled, adding that the parliamentary commission of inquiry had at no time found that he had lied.

But in response to the question, Muntaka said, “It’s absolutely crazy to even imagine. It is not true when he says that we agreed that the minister did not lie.

“Come back to the submission on the floor, I concluded the submission on our side and reiterated that it is not possible for the Ministry of Finance to make payments on behalf of an agency when that agency is not the one giving instructions to the ministry.

“And there is evidence to show that when that payment was made as early as March, the minister was copied, the minister lied. That aside, we have to understand that there are so many issues around this.

“One, the violation of procurement processes; two, failure to bring the matter to Parliament even when advised by the Attorney General, three; he lied under oath. These are not things you say because the money has been paid back, all the other problems are gone, ”he added.

Muntaka added that while in a democracy like ours everyone is entitled to an opinion, it would be better if the deputy majority leader stopped defending the troubled minister.

He claimed that Afenyo-Markin’s repeated defense of the minister had reached such a point that it sounded like an insult to Ghanaians.

“I will advise my colleague, yes; we are in a democracy, anyone can say what he thinks, but I will advise my colleague the deputy leader of the majority, it is better that he stop speaking because the more he speaks, the more he insults the intelligence of ordinary Ghanaians, ”he said. .

The purchase of Russian-made vaccines has been the subject of prolonged public debate after it emerged that Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu had violated established processes and procedures in his dealings with suppliers.

Appeals continue for his resignation for embezzlement, even though the supplier in question, a certain Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Makhtoum, has reimbursed more than $ 2.4 million, the cost of some 280,000 doses that his office did. could not deliver.

The minister is currently on two weeks’ leave to deal with “personal matters” and the president has shown no sign of relieving him of his post.

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