What you need to know before and after an attack


A few African countries have suffered various forms of attacks from terrorist groups associated with established and powerful terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida, Boko Haram IS (called Islamic State), Al Shabaab, etc.

In the Arab Maghreb for example, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, Libya and Sudan have had to deal with one attack or another in the past and they continue to be attacked.

Kenya, Somalia, Cameroon and even its big brother Nigeria have all suffered one or two attacks from terrorist groups so far and they are not taking matters into their own hands. They are doing all they can to keep these terrorist groups at bay.

As I have indicated, Almighty Nigeria, our closest English-speaking neighbor, has received its share of attacks from these terrorist groups.

Our northern neighbor, Burkina Faso, is currently treating its wounds after being attacked very recently. Also, our western neighbors of Côte d’Ivoire, not so long ago, were attacked.

We in Ghana have been lucky enough and blessed by God so far not to appear in the bad books of these groups.

This should not make us complacent at all, but should serve as a wake-up call to prepare, raise awareness, create awareness, educate and train our citizens to be aware of the dangers posed by terrorism and how to stay. safe in the event of an attack (touching wood).

It is often said that a prepared mind is never taken aback and also when your neighbors’ house is on fire you need to find enough water and put it next to your house so that just in case the fire would spread to your house, you could bring it under control.

Our neighbors’ homes have literally been hit so far, and so the sensible thing to do now is to prepare, to train our people to understand what to do in the event of a fire (terrorist attacks).

Terrorism is the illegal use of force or violence by a person or group. Their purpose is generally to intimidate, coerce or coerce companies, individuals or governments for the purpose of promoting political, religious or ideological beliefs.

Every human being is a potential terrorist. People can change color like the chameleon once they are brainwashed and start believing in the ideologies championed by terrorist groups. Your neighbor could be your potential enemy.

Monitor and report the movements of anyone you suspect, including your siblings, family members, and neighbors.

Terrorist attacks come in many forms and can happen anytime, anywhere without warning. Terrorists act spontaneously when they think time is running out.

Terrorists typically exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in security systems or otherwise and can use technology, weapons, hazardous materials, biological agents, or other methods to create devastating disruption in communities, cities, towns, cities, communities, cities, towns and cities. villages and towns.

Terrorists have the ability to infiltrate or take over a country’s security apparatus.


Terrorism feeds on fear. Terrorists fear a well-informed and alert society. While vigilance does not necessarily prevent terrorists from attacking, it can go a long way in minimizing casualties in the event of an attack.

Having a well-established contingency plan for how to deal with threats and dangers can help a lot. By planning how to react to a terrorist attack itself, you can greatly improve your chances of survival. You can also reduce the impact of the attack by reducing the fear that follows.

In the event of a terrorist attack, you can find detailed information from local public security agencies such as Nadmo, the National Ambulance Service, and local TV and radio stations.

Know your emergency numbers by heart, save them if possible on all your phones and calendars.

You should always trust and work with information from National Security and all other security agencies and paramilitary organizations.

Also, contact your local police station or local emergency management agency for information on preparing government information websites such as the Home Office, Communication, and Defense.


There are steps you can take before a terrorist incident to prepare yourself and your family. This can include educating yourself on the risks that could impact your community and planning how you can respond to them.


If a terrorist attack does occur, it is important that you remain calm and follow the instructions of local security officials and emergency service personnel.

You need to be aware of your surroundings and watch out for additional attacks, usually referred to as coordinates.

Listen to local TV and radio for directions and travel information and instructions from local authorities. If you are in a position where the attack is happening near you, check for injuries and provide first aid if it is safe to do so.


After a terrorist attack, expect a strong involvement of law enforcement at local, regional and national levels. These agencies, which may include counterterrorism units and experts, will be available to investigate the incident and the location will be treated as a crime scene.

Your workplace, factory, stadium, beach, or school may be closed and there may be restrictions on domestic and international travel. You and your family may need to evacuate the area, as instructed by local law enforcement authorities.

Additionally, expect extensive media coverage from local and international media networks and increased law enforcement presence, even if the attack did not take place in your community.

Notify security officials of movements of suspicious people in your area who try to escape in a hurry.

To be fowarding something! Be careful!



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