Burundian President reprimands judges for corruption


Burundian President Evariste Ndayishimiye launched a tirade of anger against the country’s judges, accusing them of blatant corruption which is hampering the development of the impoverished nation.

Ndayishimiye, who took office in June last year, has made fighting corruption a top priority in Burundi, which has for years been ranked one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

“Every day where I go, I receive more than 1,000 complaints against the justice system every day, and I find them justified,” he said Tuesday at a public meeting of several hundred judges and prosecutors.

He said people told him, “The poverty we experience today is because of justice. Your case cannot be heard without selling your goat, cow or land.

“Others tell me that it is the judges who are behind the killings in the country … because people are taking justice into their own hands … people are desperate,” he added.

“It’s a shame what’s going on in this country.”

One of the poorest countries in the world, Burundi has been ranked among the 10 most corrupt countries by Amnesty International, while Transparency International places it in 165th place out of 180 countries.

“Foreign investors no longer come to Burundi. You find ploys to steal their money. They have nowhere to complain. You come together to defraud them and at the same time you say that you want the development of our country. “, did he declare. the meeting.

“No development is possible in a country where there is no justice. There can be no peace,” he added.

A judge present at the meeting, Jérôme Mbonimpa, said they were “ready to change their behavior” but called on the president to end what he described as interference by senior politicians in the justice system.

In May, Ndayishimiye sacked her trade minister for “compromising the country’s economy” amid allegations she embezzled funds from a now defunct state-owned airline.

At least three senior government officials as well as 119 municipal accountants have also been fired for alleged embezzlement this year.

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