You have 24 hours to retract, apologize for your false and malicious publication – Haruna Iddrisu at the Herald newspaper for allegation of corruption


Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu demands retraction from The Herald newspaper after publication suggesting he and another minority member of parliament were involved in a corruption scandal with the Ghana National Petroleum Commission (GNPC) and the deal energy Aker.

The minority leader said in a statement that the claims, which also implicated his fellow MP, Cassiel Ato Forson, were “false, malicious, baseless and the figment of the ‘ghost’ writer.”

He further noted that the author of the story had “mysteriously omitted his signature”.

Mr. Iddrisu considered that this was an indication of “malicious intent and emphasizes that the publication is a fabrication”.

The Herald Newspaper in its September 3 edition ran an article with the headline: “CSO Names Haruna Iddrisu and Ato Forson in GNPC Bribery Scandal” where it made several damning statements Haruna Iddrisu, M. Forson and some civil society groups .

Haruna insisted the story was a premeditated effort “to divide us as a minority group, cause disunity within our caucus, and render us unable to hold the government accountable for its policies and decisions – which is one of our main responsibilities “.

In addition to the retraction, Mr. Iddrisu demanded an apology “with the same importance as said malicious posting within 24 hours.”

If his conditions are not met, he has said he will pursue legal action.

“I have asked my lawyers to assess all the possible grounds that this publication offers for legal action against The Herald newspaper, the author of the story and all the hidden sides behind such a perverse and politically motivated publication. against me. ”

Find the full declaration below

Corruption allegation against me malicious – Hon. Haruna Iddrisu

My attention was drawn to a front page post in the Friday, September 3, 2021, edition of The Herald. The said publication was under the title “CSO Names Haruna Iddrisu and Ato Forson in GNPC Bribery Scandal”.

I would like to point out that the publication in reference is misleading, malicious, without merit and the figment of the imagination of the “ghost” writer. The fact that the writer mysteriously omitted his signature shows his malicious intent and indicates that the post is a fabrication. I wonder why the writer would want to hide under the cloak of anonymity if he or she trusted his story.

For emphasis, I have not at any time participated in or been aware of the issues, transactions and processes with which I have been alleged. Said publication is nothing but a lie calculated to tarnish my hard-earned reputation and bring me into public disrepute and opprobrium. It also reveals the general lack of knowledge and understanding of how parliament works.

I urge all well-meaning and discerning members of the public to read between the lines and see this post for exactly what it is: malicious, mischievous and a bunch of lies. I also implore my fellow NDC caucus members in Parliament to disregard this attempt by what is obviously the work of invisible hands to create disfavour and disaffection for me personally. It is also a premeditated effort to divide us as a minority group, cause disunity within our caucus, and render us unable to hold the government accountable for its policies and decisions – which is one of our primary responsibilities.

I demand that The Herald retract said post and offer an unqualified apology with the same emphasis as said malicious post within 24 hours failing which notice is hereby given that I have asked my attorneys to assess all the possible grounds that this post offers for a lawsuit against The Herald newspaper, the author of the story and all the hidden sides behind such a wicked and politically motivated post against me.

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