Australian with chronic pain breaks record for longest board record


Australian Daniel Scali has reached the Guinness Book of World Records for the the longest duration of time in abdominal plank position (man) with a record time of 9 hours 30 minutes and 1 second.

According to, he smashed the previous record of 8 hours 15 minutes and 15 seconds, set by ex-Navy George Hood (USA) in February 2020, then 62 years old.

This achievement is all the more appreciated as Daniel suffers from CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome which is excessive pain or inflammation in his left arm due to an injury. Due to his condition, his left arm is in almost constant pain, the website noted. But instead of letting it go, he was constantly practice to cope with chronic pain and build resilience.

“When I was 12, I fell off my trampoline causing a severe fracture in my left arm and as a result I’m living with a condition called CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome),” Daniel told

“It’s the brain that sends the wrong messages to my arm, which is the affected area. So anything that looks like soft touch, movement, wind, water, will cause me pain.

For the record attempt, he wore a compression band over his left arm to try and relieve the pain, but “obviously putting constant pressure on my elbow and forearm, down to my shoulder caused quite a bit of pain. at the beginning, “he noted.

“CRPS has had a huge effect on my day-to-day life. I had to learn to change my life to cope with pain and overcome mental challenges. It wasn’t easy when you live with constant pain, ”Daniel told the website.

He trained not only physically but also mentally.

“I incorporated a few gym activities, my personal use of the gym, and did tons of push-ups and sit-ups to prepare my body for the plank,” he told the website.

How does he deal with constant pain? “You fall into times when you don’t want to move for fear of making your pain worse or worse. Fortunately, I found a passion for health and fitness which has had a great improvement in my health and in general. well-being“Daniel said in the interview.

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