Citizens are calm and jubilant after military takeover – Guineans tell JoyNews


Although the democratic government of Guinea led by President Alpha Condé has been overthrown by the army, the country is not in chaos.

This is stated by two Guineans who spoke anonymously on JoyNews’ PM Express on Monday, September 6.

They say Monday in Guinea was characterized by glee over the military takeover that many international media networks have called a coup.

“The situation is calm. People rejoiced all day. People are happy with the coup even though they don’t call it a coup. The whole population is delighted and jubilant.

The reason for the celebration, it has been said, is that the citizens viewed the Condé administration as a kind of oppression.

Thus, the apparent coup d’etat is a kind of justice rendered to the whole country.

“This is due to the fact that the government which has just dissolved had ruled with a sort of maximum operation and this has been the case since 2010. Arbitrary arrests and injustice and many other things you can mention in bad governance, corruption.

“If you check the international body, Guinea is known as one of the richest countries. Perhaps a third of the world’s bauxite deposits but at the same time, it is (Guinea) one of the poorest countries in the sub-region. All this is therefore due to extreme bad governance. “

They further reiterated to the host, Evans Mensah, that “we will see this as some kind of justice for the whole country because these people have long oppressed Guineans, so seeing them on the sidelines is kinda. of joy. The satisfaction that people express through the videos you see online. So that’s the situation. We feel like we are free from an oppressive government.

Meanwhile, Myjoyonline social media checks confirmed the two Guineans’ statements.

On Sunday September 5, a Guinean military officer, Mamady Doumbouya, announced that the country’s constitution had been revoked following a coup.

After seizing the airwaves, the mutinous soldiers vowed to restore democracy.

Colonel Mamady Doumbouya sat draped in a Guinean flag with half a dozen other uniformed soldiers by his side as he read the statement, declaring: “The duty of a soldier is to save the country. The personalization of political life is over. We will no longer entrust politics to one man, we will entrust it to the people.

He added that the borders will be closed for a week.

JoyNews’ political bureau chief Evans Mensah reported that the officer, during his announcement, referred to wise words from former Ghanaian president Jerry John Rawlings, who also staged a coup in 1979.

“If the people are crushed by their elites, it is up to the army to give the people their freedom.

International sources reveal that President Alpha Condé has been arrested.

Following this unfortunate incident, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) condemned the arrest by the Guinean army of Alpha Condé and demanded his release.

“ECOWAS reaffirms its disapproval of any unconstitutional political change,” reads the declaration, signed by the president, President Akufo-Addo.

In addition, ECOWAS demands a return to constitutional rule, declaring that failure will result in sanctions.

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