Kumawood film producers, directors responsible for industry collapse


Animation on Saturday, October 2, 2021

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


Kumawood actor and musician, Frank Naro play the videoKumawood actor and musician Frank Naro

• Frank Naro says Kumawood actors are not responsible for industry collapse

• He blamed the producers and directors of films

• He asked Oteele to apologize to Ghanaians and artists for some “false” statements made

Kumawood actor and musician Frank Naro claims the producers and directors of the Kumawood films are responsible for the industry’s collapse.

His comments come after actor Oteele blamed some actors for claiming that the “arrogance” of some Kumawood actors is the cause of the fellowship’s downfall.

Disagreeing with Oteele’s statement, Frank Naro was of the opinion that the actors were not at fault because the producers and directors did not perform their duties properly. He further expressed his disappointment with his colleague (Oteele).

“I would be very disappointed if the OT Director continued to say this and I will take this opportunity to ask him to come and apologize if he sees this interview. Who was arrogant with him? Have all the artists been arrogant? He should therefore come out and apologize to the artists, as well as to the Ghanaians whom he did not speak well.

He added: “As a director and producer, who calls the artists for the shoot, who does the casting, who pays the artists? So between an actor and a producer, who is strong enough to hold the industry? He therefore has no right to say that we are responsible for the collapse.

The musician further claimed that they (producers and directors) work with a particular set of people in the industry and therefore should blame those people rather than each artist.

Frank Naro was speaking in an interview with Poleeno Multimedia.

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