India issues a new warning to WhatsApp on deaths by lynching


Umer Jamshaid

3 hours ago

Fri. July 20, 2018 | 02:18 AM

  India issues a new warning to WhatsApp on deaths by lynching

New Delhi, (UrduPoint / Pakistan News Point, app – July 20, 2018): WhatsApp could face a lawsuit in India if it does not take any other measures to fight the spread of fake rumors, the government said Thursday criticism of the platform on a wave of lynchings.

More than 20 people have been killed by crowds in the past two months across the country after being accused of kidnapping children and other crimes in viral messages broadcast on WhatsApp

]. news, the hugely popular smartphone service has introduced new features to help users identify the messages that have been transmitted.

But in a statement released Thursday, the Indian Ministry of Information Technology said that the measures taken were not enough. "The rampant circulation of irresponsible messages in large volumes on their platform has not been adequately addressed by WhatsApp," he says.

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